| LIFE Our 27th annual BBQ


Bench Warmer
The last Saturday in September each year, 2 of my uncles and I host a community wide BBQ. We had 80, the best we could count, attend this year. We changed up our cooking this year. Usually we cooked our meat on Friday afternoon and just kept it warm until dinner time the next day.

This year we started getting ready at midnight Saturday morning and tried to time it where it was ready to eat a couple of hours before dinner. We put the meat over the coals about 2:15 a.m. Saturday and it was ready at 7:15 a.m. We pulled the meat off the bone and chopped it up at 11 and served it at 12 noon. The ladies usually bring a couple of covered dishes each and with it all put together, it's a feast.

The meat we used was pork shoulders from Lancer hogs which has more lean and less fat. A local butcher gets these for us each year and the shoulders do really well cooking over coals. This year we cooked 8 and it was way more than enough. If you're in the community next year the last Saturday in September, plan to join us.
Would enjoy that as well. Wish I had thought to invite your mom and dad. We had several of your extended family there. In fact, our oldest guest was Ms. Jewell A, one of your family. She’s 93 years young now she told me.
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