OT considering it is football related: "UAT is offically dead?"


In the long standing tradition, one that will not cease, my morning surfing fueled by those cups of Joe that start the day, I came across this post on the 247network.

I've heard and seen the UAT references for years now. I know some that it upsets but as far as I'm concerned it was/is as petty as the corn dog monikers.

Never-the-less, I did find this post interesting.

As many of us know, for a considerable period of time, the barners and others have referred to the University of Alabama by many derogatory names. One name/acronym/abbreviation that I have always disliked is "UAT." I graduated from the "University of Alabama" not the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa" or "UAT."

Finally, I had a discussion with a barner a while back and he kept saying we were UAT. I kept telling him that I didn't know what UAT was because I graduated from the "University of Alabama." He told me that we were officially the "University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa." I told him that we were not and my diplomas only say "University of Alabama." He told me that I needed to inform the NCAA because everything they had listed us as UAT.

Well, I decided to do something about it.

I wrote a letter to Dr. Witt and Mal Moore that read as follows:

"I have correspondended and spoken with both of you a few times in the past but it has been a while.

If I may, I would like to make a small request. Since I am not sure which of you would be the one that may handle this request, I am sending it to both of you.

Apparently, the NCAA has the University of Alabama listed as the "University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa" in all of their publications and records. Since I am a very proud graduate of the University of Alabama, I would like to see a request made that the NCAA reflect the true name of the "University of Alabama" in their records. Many of us graduates are aware that the UAT thing originally came from folks at Auburn and UAB in an effort to "minimize" the University and many of us who have been around a while take offense at the University being referred to as "The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa" or "UAT". We are the "University of Alabama." I know many others who feel the same way.

I have a son at the University right now and I do not expect him to receive a diploma that reads "University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa." I expect him to receive a diploma that reads like mine: "The University of Alabama." The least the NCAA can do is reflect the University's true name.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration in this matter.



Dr. Witt responded to my correspondence and indicated that he would follow up with the NCAA.

The NCAA now officially recognizes us as THE University of Alabama.

See this link:


Roll Tide!
This still irks me...


Never leave off the "The"!
In the long standing tradition, one that will not cease, my morning surfing fueled by those cups of Joe that start the day, I came across this post on the 247network.

I've heard and seen the UAT references for years now. I know some that it upsets but as far as I'm concerned it was/is as petty as the corn dog monikers.

Never-the-less, I did find this post interesting.

Good for him.
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