RollTideRandy said:I’m seeing a lot of posts from Ohio State fans today talking about how well SEC fans seem to pull together and support one another. Most are talking about how every fan of Michigan, Purdue, Penn State, Wisconsin, and so on threw their full support toward Florida and LSU in the Title Game the last couple of years. SEC fans however, are quick to get behind their conference brethren and quick to congratulate them after a victory. They say SEC fans have a lot of pride toward their team and their conference, Big 10 fans however only have pride and loyalty for their team.
They were saying that this is the reason why Ohio State was not able to beat a team from the SEC team the last couple of years. They are saying that no one will ever beat an SEC team in the title game until their conference adopts the same philosophy as the SEC. When you play Ohio State in the Title Game, you are playing against Ohio State. When you play against LSU in the Title Game, you are playing against the entire SEC and that’s tough to overcome.
I find these sentiments to be complimentary and wanted to share them. What do you think? Is the SEC a tighter knit conference than all the rest? Is that what makes the SEC the BEST overall conference?
Fans don't win games. The teams win games and the SEC has better teams.