| LIFE Not sure if this is the right place

Could use some positive thoughts, prayers, etc.

The company I have been working for went belly up (Nobody bothered to tell any of us until the lawyer called me yesterday) and we were informed that our pay is 2-5 months out. Which is fine because I’ve got two other jobs, but those combined don’t pay as much as that one job combined. Thankfully have a third job starting tomorrow.

Got home today and there was a notice on my door of my apartment. I’ve got 3 days to pay the remainder of my rent or move. I had been making payments on it, but that was on the premise that I was going to get paid by my main job. Apartment complex management wants to help, but corporate has their hands tied. Family can’t/won’t help.

In the middle of a custody battle (I’m trying to get joint) and this has sealed my fate with that.

Just really bummed and stressed.

Thanks And Roll Tide
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