Need Prayers I'm having trouble walking.


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....
In July 1976 I torn my Meiscal cartilage. Had the surgery and I have a staple that has held it to my knee every since. About a month ago I started having trouble with my hamstring. Now it has gotten so bad, I can't walk without help. I went to the ER in Anniston, Al, just before Thanksgiving. The next week I had an appointment with my doctor from the VA. Orthopedic-doctor I will be seeing the appointment is the 24th of Dec. I need pray not just for me ,but for my wife she has taken care of me. It's not that easy , she work 7 days and off 7 days. She works at a nursing home, she works the 3th so when she working she got me a babysitter. Don't laugh the baby sitter help me a lot. She my 16 year old granddaughter. By the way it costs me one of my Bama elephants. Thanks for all the paryers.
I'm in the hospital right now. The ER doctor draw out 30 unit if gross looking liquid the heat in my knee went down. The next morning the doctor told me he too, wanted to do the same thing. He draw out 80 uni it . The same looking gross came out. Well to day he scope out the knee and got the stuff take out and he clear out some of my knee cap. HE TOLD ME HE WAS GOING TO WASH THE KNEE OUT. SORRY ABOUT MY WRITING AND ALL I'M GIT SOME STUFF FOR PAIN. I just wanted you guys and gals Thanks all all. U may not be on here fir awhile I'm doing this on my wife kindle.

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Home now, but still have a lot of pain in the knee. What I would call good pain, if that can be any good pain. Right now I'm going to PT 3 times week, and today was the first. That is what I'm calling good pain. I want to Thank all for the prayers. One more thing and it will be the only time I will say something about a former player for this team.
Dr James Lyle kicker for Auburn
My daughter and I saw him played when the Woodland High band when to Band Day. I told him that I watch him play two years in a row. But I'm still A BAMA FAN!! Again Thank for all the prayer, I think some went to my doctor.;)
Well I have started to get around some going to the outpatient physical therapy. I guess I did too much Friday the ladies that do the therapy told me that they feel liquid on my knee and that got me a little shake up. Well the ladies told me to stay off my feet till Monday when I go back to my next appointment. So I'm still asking for that prayer I ask for. The men from my church has builded me a ramp so it's not hard to get to the car.
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