| LIFE Name a church activity that everyone seems to love, but you don't.

Asking members to join a committee. I have been on these that you have to keep asking, then you have the ones that been on it so long you just add their name to it.
The offering plate passing.. People always mean mug everyone, too make sure they put something in it..
I can't identify with this.

They don't pass the plate at my church. My mother attends an Independent Baptist church and they don't. They have different boxes around the church building as do we.

"Mean mug?" 👀

The last, only person, who can "give me a look and it affects my actions" is my mother.
One activity that I do not participate in is any type of church dinner.

Two, another thing that I have avoided the past month or so is after the first song by the congregation, everyone goes around a shakes hands with others. These same folks have been talking to each 15-20 minutes before the service starts. I am not opposed to shaking someone's hand but with flu b, strep throat and the like running rampant right now, I do not want to shake hands.

Three, when the preacher or song leader asks does anyone have a testimony or "special song." Big headshake here from me. I led music at a local church for a time and every time I finished my part, the preacher would ask these two questions. It's the same 3-4 people that testify every service, say the same thing and the same folks that have a "special." I have heard too many times, we have not practiced, just let the words bless you. OMG!!!!
2 things, though I could list more depending on the church/denomination...

1- When I was younger, I hated all the singing. Boring. I know they are not singing for me, or to me, and it's not about me... but still. Now, most all these churches have ditched the choir in favor of "bands" (or a combo in some cases). It has made me miss when it was just the choir. Some places are not as bad as others, and I seem to be a small minority who can't stand it, but man it grates me.

2- I'll admit upfront this is a weird one, but I hate the, "everyone turn around and say hi and good morning to the people around you!" I don't know if that's just a thing in the south or what, but I've been to multiple places that do it. So awkward. And for someone who can say some wildly inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times, it's best that I'm not encouraged to interact with people I hardly know (or don't know) in a church setting.
I have two that come to mind. I'm wondering, before I say something, if anyone says the same.

I don't like "turn to the person next to you and say

These same folks have been talking to each 15-20 minutes before the service starts. I am not opposed to shaking someone's hand but with flu b, strep throat and the like running rampant right now, I do not want to shake hands.

2- I'll admit upfront this is a weird one, but I hate the, "everyone turn around and say hi and good morning to the people around you!"
How, exactly, is it weird when ...
I'd rather do that though than drink wine from the same fancy cup as everyone else... so it could be worse.
Ah, here's one I've thought about that wasn't on my mind when I started this thread.

Everyone drinking out of the same cup, taking a bit off of a real piece of unleavened bread.


1oz of grape juice in a disposal cup covered with an aluminum, pull off top...along with a piece of bread wrapped in an individual saltine wrapper.

That last one makes me think...

"Hi! I'd like to order 1000 communion shots and 1000 wafers. Can you send that Fed Ex for Sunday?"
and I know its a form of worship
Were you aware that in the Hebrew there are seven types of worship? They are listed in the KJV as well as other translations. Singing is one, instruments, shouting, dancing...lifting of hands doesn't include singing (Yadah) and Barak (or Barouch) is giving reverence, bowing.

Point being ... you don't have to sing to worship. I'm also of the opinion that in a spiritual world, you can make a joyful noise without making a sound. If one can have a devotional with God everyday and not sing ...
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