| FOOD McDonalds is not in the burger business they are in the real estate business.


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I had to stop and think where the closest is located. The lot is valuable. Too small for a Chick-fil-A.

Curiosity led to ...

McDonalds, via Uber Eats, $4.49 delivery fee.
Our closest is right on the corner by the Asian Grocery I go to a couple of times a month. It's been there since at least while I was in high school 30+ years ago. Otherwise I would probably have to look up where it was.
The Founder is a pretty solid movie. On the same flight I also watch a documentary called Newman. I recommend it highly, also.
Super Size Me. I'm pretty sure that's the movie he's talking about here. @planomateo
I haven't seen Super Size Me 2—though it sounds a lot like the book by Robbins (ice cream,) Diet for a New America—that focuses on how they try to use chicken on the menu as a healthier fast food meal. That book, and the subsequent research for that seminar, changed the way I eat chicken and eggs.
Super Size Me. I'm pretty sure that's the movie he's talking about here. @planomateo
That movie gets so much love for being a complete piece of garbage. People pretend it is about the dangers of fast food. Really it is about how having absolutely no self control or care for your own body is a horrible way to live. And also about how many fat people in the US are really that uncaring about themselves to just buy the largest portion offered all the time. Come on, dude always supersized if offered, then was surprised when he got fat and his health declined. It isn't McDonald's fault you eat too much. It is your own.
That movie gets so much love for being a complete piece of garbage
It goes without saying. We're talking about ... McDonald's.

The overall point of the movie is undeniable; it's far from healthy.

Here's something to chew on.

For those born in the '60's...you're the only generation I know of where it's the poor, lower class folks that are overweight. It's what's in the diet and in some cases aided by over consumption.
It goes without saying. We're talking about ... McDonald's.

The overall point of the movie is undeniable; it's far from healthy.

Here's something to chew on.

For those born in the '60's...you're the only generation I know of where it's the poor, lower class folks that are overweight. It's what's in the diet and in some cases aided by over consumption.

I am not going to argue that McDonald's is health but there are other documented cases where people ate only at McDonald's and their weight and health got better. They decided to make good choices instead of blindly filling their mouths. Even water can kill you if you drink too much. He made a sensationalized "documentary" to push his own agenda without actually getting what the real problem is.

Reminds me a lot of my sister, who complained that she only ate vegetables but kept gaining weight. Yeah. She ate 3-4 plates when the option was there to do so and rarely left the table without seconds.
As compared to what?
Prior to starting the project. McDonald's has perfectly fine options, except when you decide to just eat everything they have on the menu at least once and Super Size it every time they offer. Spurlock's set out to prove McDonald's is 100% unhealthy and to blame for the obesity epidemic while playing fast and loose with the data and end results. Go watch Fat Head to get an opposite view.
Prior to starting the project. McDonald's has perfectly fine options, except when you decide to just eat everything they have on the menu at least once and Super Size it every time they offer. Spurlock's set out to prove McDonald's is 100% unhealthy and to blame for the obesity epidemic while playing fast and loose with the data and end results. Go watch Fat Head to get an opposite view.
I think we're veering off in two directions. You're pointing to Spurlock and his over indulgence while I was pointing to what it consists of...admittedly, I'm very selective here.
Super Size Me. I'm pretty sure that's the movie he's talking about here. @planomateo
I haven't seen Super Size Me 2—though it sounds a lot like the book by Robbins (ice cream,) Diet for a New America—that focuses on how they try to use chicken on the menu as a healthier fast food meal. That book, and the subsequent research for that seminar, changed the way I eat chicken and eggs.
I think he was talking about The Founder since it follows Ray Kroc and how he took over the company (or hijacked it) from the McDonald brothers and made his fortune buying the land and leasing the properties for long terms to the franchisees. Kind of put them in a spot where they didn’t have a choice since he would have to approve the location. Good flick.
I think he was talking about The Founder since it follows Ray Kroc and how he took over the company (or hijacked it) from the McDonald brothers and made his fortune buying the land and leasing the properties for long terms to the franchisees. Kind of put them in a spot where they didn’t have a choice since he would have to approve the location. Good flick.
May be. Dunno. A few people have recommended watching that: rather, saw it and mentioned watching the movie.
I think he was talking about The Founder since it follows Ray Kroc and how he took over the company (or hijacked it) from the McDonald brothers and made his fortune buying the land and leasing the properties for long terms to the franchisees. Kind of put them in a spot where they didn’t have a choice since he would have to approve the location. Good flick.

Yup. Ray figured out that the real money was in the real estate, not the burgers.
I though they were in the fertilizer business. I may as well be sitting on the toilet to eat anything from Mickey D's. The risk of eating it somewhere else and trying to make it to the toilet is just too great. Not many things worse than having one Prairie Dogging on you during the "clinched cheek fast walk" to the nearest drop zone. :p
I'll get a sausage biscuit there periodically. Only time I've every gotten lunch is on a road trip or something when there aren't any better options.

Whenever they launched that big Mac coin deal, maybe 5 years ago, I stopped by and got a big Mac and the coin that will buy another Big Mac. It wasn't nearly as good as I remembered, if I'm being honest it was hard to eat. I was always more of a quarter pounder or double quarter pounder fan. But hey, I got the 🪙

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