| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Matthew Perry Has Passed / The impact of his role and the show Friends

I'm amazed at how many pills some people can take in one day. When you add alcohol it's a receipt for disaster which is I expect what happened here. Sad.
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I have probably watched 1 or 2 shows of Friends.

I watched it religiously when it was on the air in the 90s. Thursday was definitely must-see TV: Friends, Seinfeld, and...something else good. I still watch Seinfeld reruns ALL the time. LOVE. THAT. SHOW! Best comedy ever, just beating out M*A*S*H. JMO...

Friends...Can't stomach the repeats. This became all about romance and couples more than it did surviving as adults. (The Big Bang Theory did the same thing. It's last few seasons were ...not great.)
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