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John Lombardi was just on WBRZ TV's Sports, trying to dispel rumors that Miles already had a deal in place with Michigan and that Spurrier was #1 on LSU's want list when Les leaves.

Word is, LSU will try their darndest to keep Miles.
Bama1966 said:
Michigan would be wise not to jump on the Miles Bandwagon. I think if Michigan offers him hes gone.

I agree, he will be gone faster than the lifeboats on the Titanic if Michigan offers.
why would michigan want miles? if he goes it will be interesting to see how far he goes on the talent he inherits from carr. i think if lsu had a good coach this year they could beat some of the pro teams.
steelmagnolia said:
why would michigan want miles? if he goes it will be interesting to see how far he goes on the talent he inherits from carr. i think if lsu had a good coach this year they could beat some of the pro teams.
exactly! The only thing keeping LSU from being undefeated and #1 right now is discipline from their head coach. THey have AMAZING talent on the field.. I honestly want both him and tubby to stay where there at for at least a few more years til Saban can do his thing. :)
bear facts said:
Pirate, what's the altitude like in Louisiana today?

Below sea level and mental capacity?

Haven't talked to many except online. They say Miles is a Gone Pecan (Gawn Pecawn). And, they keep saying they don't want Saban because, although he's "a helluva coach", he's also a liar, a classless SOB, etc. You can bet if he were to go back to Baton Rouge, he would suddenly become St. Nick.

When I ask who he lied to, they say the Dolphins. I say, "Why do you care?" Then, I explain that we didn't steal him from Miami, that he sat down with Wayne Huizenga and discussed both jobs. But, all that falls on deaf ears. Several have said, though, they just don't see Nick leaving Bama. Del Rio and Spurrier are two prominent names being bandied about. Guess we'll know Monday.

Y'know, I thought there was some fog this morning, gut now I'm convinced it was a thick layer of LSU irrationality.

Oops. I just realized I posted something on Saban in a non-Saban thread. Sorry 'bout that.
Why would LSU let him leave? He's a very good coach. Why would he want to leave? He's in one of the most successful athletic programs in the world. Who would leave the warm, sunny weather in Louisiana for the cold miserable weather in Yankeeville USA? :?: :?: :?:
bamanaf said:
Why would LSU let him leave? He's a very good coach. Why would he want to leave? He's in one of the most successful athletic programs in the world. Who would leave the warm, sunny weather in Louisiana for the cold miserable weather in Yankeeville USA? :?: :?: :?:

Because he is a yankee.
It Takes Eleven said:
bamanaf said:
Why would LSU let him leave? He's a very good coach. Why would he want to leave? He's in one of the most successful athletic programs in the world. Who would leave the warm, sunny weather in Louisiana for the cold miserable weather in Yankeeville USA? :?: :?: :?:

Because he is a yankee.

You mean a dayum yankeh?
CrimsonPirate said:
bear facts said:
Pirate, what's the altitude like in Louisiana today?

Below sea level and mental capacity?

Haven't talked to many except online. They say Miles is a Gone Pecan (Gawn Pecawn). And, they keep saying they don't want Saban because, although he's "a helluva coach", he's also a liar, a classless SOB, etc. You can bet if he were to go back to Baton Rouge, he would suddenly become St. Nick.

When I ask who he lied to, they say the Dolphins. I say, "Why do you care?" Then, I explain that we didn't steal him from Miami, that he sat down with Wayne Huizenga and discussed both jobs. But, all that falls on deaf ears. Several have said, though, they just don't see Nick leaving Bama. Del Rio and Spurrier are two prominent names being bandied about. Guess we'll know Monday.

Y'know, I thought there was some fog this morning, gut now I'm convinced it was a thick layer of LSU irrationality.

Oops. I just realized I posted something on Saban in a non-Saban thread. Sorry 'bout that.

Look on the bright side, Pirate. Consider how rational it must make you feel surrounded by that LSU irrationality everyday.

On second thought, maybe it makes you feel even more irrational for subjecting yourself to it. :?

So a "gawn pecawn" is the kinda nut Les is? Well, don't put away your praline recipe just yet . . .
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