📡 LSU mishandled sexual misconduct complaints against students, including top athletes - USA Today

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It's a good thing I don't have a daughter and she was one of the victims. Because people would be wondering where Darius Guice is.
Same here! I've told many people and even a those that have asked my daughter out, "hurt her and I'll hurt you! I have a lot of land and access to heavy machinery and I know how to operate it. I'll dig a hole and you will NEVER be found!"
The LSU administration sold out for the money or they just wanted to be somebody?
I haven't had a chance to read the three pages contained in Orgeron's pre-employment binder so I can't answer whether or not that was covered. 🙃

Even without that knowledge, we all know the answer is yes, and yes.

Consider this: They've been someone before in basketball only to have the success achieved under Dale Brady tarnished by NCAA scandal. Then they went to John Brady who was fired for NCAA violations while losing. Trent Johnson, by all appearances, tried to walk the straight path and was fired for poor performances. Then we entered the Johnny Jones era and we see things start up again (see Simmons) leading them into the Wade era.

That's a cultural thing: over and over and over their running afoul of the NCAA to be somebody.

What strikes me this morning comes from something covered on N. AL radio this morning on Neighbors show. (And understand, I wouldn't expect less.) "This is not a cultural problem" is their go-to this morning while discussing the latest sexual scandals.

Let's not forget, we're only a decade removed from Pokey Chapan "poking" her female basketball players: a move that ended up getting her fired in the end.

Ed Orgeron has to go.


And he might not be the only one at LSU, in athletics and beyond, who needs to be sent packing.

On Monday, USA Today published a thorough investigation into LSU, which seems to have a robust culture of turning a blind eye to women on campus who report domestic violence and sexual assault claims to police.

Especially when allegations are made against members of the football team.

According to USA Today, in the four years that Orgeron has been head coach, no fewer than nine members of his Tigers program have been reported to police for sexual misconduct and dating violence.

And those are just the ones who went to police. According to RAINN, the national anti-sexual violence organization, a small percentage of women — about 20 percent of those college-aged — report sexual assault to authorities, so it’s almost certain there are more who haven’t stepped forward.

Not surprisingly, Orgeron and LSU seemed especially protective of running back Derrius Guice. Documents show that Guice was accused of rape by two women and a third said he took semi-nude photos without her permission, which he sent to at least one other person.

Orgeron was not the head coach when the first known accusation against Guice was made, but he was a member of the coaching staff. He was named head coach about five months before the second rape allegation against Guice, which came in April 2017.

In all three cases, USA Today writes, LSU officials either doubted the women’s stories, did not investigate or did not call the police.

Which meant the Tigers’ star running back could go about his life, and LSU could reap the benefits of having him on the field. In 2017, Guice rushed for 1,251 yards and scored 13 total touchdowns. His attorney says Guice was never punished by the team or school.

Who cares about young women as long as the football team is good, right?

LSU isn’t the first school and athletic department to send this message. Just the latest.

Guice was hardly the only troubling instance. USAT reports that at least seven officials at the school knew wide receiver Drake Davis was physically abusing his girlfriend, and did nothing for months. It wasn’t until after Davis pleaded guilty in court to several misdemeanors that the school expelled him.

Quarterback Peter Parrish was accused of raping a woman earlier this year, suspended for a year by LSU and has since transferred to the University of Memphis.

Three more players have been accused of rape, and a fourth of recording a woman during sex without her knowledge. Only one has been arrested. Two other players accused of dating violence were arrested.

LSU would not confirm or deny if any of those players were disciplined.

The story conjures bad memories of the sexual assault scandal at Baylor, particularly as the rot at LSU doesn’t stop with the athletics department. Samantha Brennan, the woman who accused Guice of taking photos of her without permission, said the school’s Title IX department never reached out to her after she filed a report with campus police, as required. (Brennan did not want to press charges then, and maintains that stance now.)

LSU has refused to provide records of one rape allegation, from a member of the women’s tennis team, to the victim and her attorney despite repeated requests. Davis’ victim, also a member of the women’s tennis team, told an athletic trainer about her abuse and the trainer told no one for a year. Meanwhile, the young woman’s father informed the tennis team’s co-head coach what was happening and was told, “couldn’t be possible, wouldn’t be possible.”

And there are multiple other cases of non-athlete male students being found responsible for sexual assault and facing little more than a slap on the wrist. They include, according to USA Today, a fraternity member who was accused by two women of sexual assault during a bus trip to New Orleans. He was found guilty in both cases but received only “deferred suspension” or a probationary period for four semesters, a meeting on anger management or healthy relationships, and a class on ethics and decision-making. What’s worse, a third woman stepped forward accusing the same frat member of sexual assault and school officials never contacted her about the allegation.

What a joke.

Prioritizing the success of the football team over protecting women and other victims has far-reaching effects. Brennan, who bravely reached out to USA Today reporters after their August story about the rape allegations against Guice, left the school when she realized who the administration actually cared about — and it wasn’t her.

Guice was a second-round draft pick of the Washington Football Team in 2018, and earlier this year was arrested and charged with assaulting a girlfriend, including allegedly strangling her until she passed out. He was released by the team.

It’s possible that Guice felt invincible after not facing consequences for being accused of rape twice. If he actually had been punished for those incidents? In a perfect world, he would’ve ended up in jail; at the very least, he likely wouldn’t have been drafted and the girlfriend he assaulted this year could have been spared.

As for Davis’ victim, her suffering escalated while several members of the athletics department did nothing. One night in June 2018, the drunken receiver keyed into her on-campus apartment, jumped on her in her bed, strangled her and hit her. Her roommate called police after hearing screams.

Afraid that she might lose her scholarship and aware of who would be protected — again, not her — the woman covered for Davis when police arrived the night of the June 2018 attack, saying it had been a verbal argument. But there were other reported assaults already on record, including a text from Davis to deputy athletic director Verge Ausberry in April 2018 in which he admitted to punching his girlfriend.

Orgeron gave a statement to USA Today in advance of the story, and when meeting with reporters Monday afternoon, he offered a mealy-mouthed read of much the same, some empty sentences about being “committed to a culture of safety, equity and accountability for all students and staff” and that “every allegation” is reported to the school’s Title IX office.

Ask the victims of the at least nine players who played for you, Ed, about safety, equity and accountability. Ask the women who have had to uproot their lives and transfer schools because you and your department protected those men and treated those women as little more than nuisances.

While we’re asking questions, let’s ask LSU’s senior administration: What the hell is going on in their school that a student can be found guilty of rape twice and his “punishment” is attending an anger management class? Why it is their Title IX office can’t be bothered to investigate when a young woman accuses her boyfriend of multiple incidents of physical violence, with photos showing her wounds?

Ed Orgeron has to go. But he’s not the only one.
My first thought when I read this earlier above and beyond the moral issues was that this is what provides the institution the path for dismissal for violating the terms of the contract. They could decide to not pay him a dime or a much reduced separation package.

When your fundamental values are broken you get messes like this.

yes...when ur fundamentals are broken.....when u have low morals....when your ethics are low.... at home...at a college...in business... you get messes like this

Someone...maybe a few...maybe a bunch....Have to have a pretty low opinion of females...to do...to allow...to sit back while this is going on.....
Our daughters...grandaughters....wives...moms...nieces...sisters..... a man ...real man...would never allow anybody To do...to protect someone who did....any such thing to any one of these...
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BATON ROUGE — There has not been so much teamwork out of LSU since the football team went 15-0 and won the national championship last season.

And at least that was a worthy cause, although there were two key members of that team who were allegedly not worthy of participating, according to a USA TODAY investigative report published Monday about LSU's extremely suspect handling of accusations of sexual violence and misconduct for years.

Linebacker Jacob Phillips, who is now with the Cleveland Browns in the NFL as a third-round draft choice last spring, played on after an accusation of rape, the story said. And safety Grant Delpit, a second-round pick last spring also with Cleveland, played on despite an accusation that he recorded having sex with a woman without her knowledge, according to the story.

The most disturbing, distasteful and damning part of the piece, though, was the apparent organized teamwork and togetherness by LSU officials throughout campus.

It looks like just about all branches of LSU power were in this game of dismiss, divert, disregard and deny female accusers of various deviant behavior by football players and others, including rape and beatings. The football program, a tennis coach, a diving coach, two senior athletic administrators, the athletic department, the university, the Title IX office and LSU Police — they were all in.

Lack of institutional control is written all over LSU's face, and this will not bode well for the current NCAA investigations of LSU basketball and football still transpiring.

"They're making decisions that are best for the success of the program," Temple professor Elizabeth Taylor, who studies sexual assaults by athletes, says in the story. "And they're making the decision to put the safety and well-being of other students behind a player's ability to play on a Saturday afternoon."

Taylor said LSU displayed the same systemic lack of ability to handle sexual accusations as previously seen in high profile cases at Michigan State, Penn State and Baylor.

The story says at least seven LSU officials had "direct knowledge" about the continued beatings of a female LSU tennis player by former LSU wide receiver Drake Davis in 2017 and '18.

Finally, in April of 2018, associate athletic director Miriam Segar, the athletic department's senior woman administrator, began to see the light and filed a Title IX report. Davis, though, was still practicing with the football team in early August 2018 after continued beatings of the tennis player.

The story does not say if LSU coach Ed Orgeron knew of Davis' beatings, but his only discipline of Davis at the time was a ban from the weight room that summer.

Finally on Aug. 16, 2018, Segar called LSU Police after the tennis player showed her photos of bruises and scratches on her that she said Davis delivered. Davis was arrested and charged with felony dating violence, and he was indefinitely suspended from the football team and never returned.

Meanwhile, LSU deputy athletic director Verge Ausberry had a text message since the previous April from Davis in which he admitted to punching the female tennis player, according to the story. It is not known if Ausberry alerted the TItle IX office or anyone at LSU concerning Davis' behavior.

"There is due process there," Ausberry said on 104.5 FM radio in Baton Rouge on Monday. "I really can't discuss it."

LSU may soon be getting very acquainted with due process as, according to the story, it has broken federal laws for years requiring school officials to report such violent behavior against women to the Title IX office and campus police. LSU has also broken state public records laws by hiding information. The LSU Police Department is in on this as well, as it has refused to release full police reports.

All LSU employees, not just those in higher positions, are expected to report anything they witness or hear about regarding sexual misconduct to the Title IX office.

LSU's Title IX office, however, is also suspect for how it may have handled some reports or not handled them.

At least, LSU is respecting the report. It would be hard not to. It has the goods — video, texts, names of the accusers, police reports — albeit some of those incomplete.

And at least LSU talked a good game in its comments after the story was published.

“We do not tolerate sexual violence of any form," an LSU release states in a story that thoroughly contradicts that statement. But at least LSU made it sound good.

"We are unwavering in our commitment to respond promptly to any reports of misconduct, to investigate these reports in a manner that is fair and equitable, to support victims of sexual assault, and to protect the privacy of our students according to the law,” the statement continued. “Putting an end to sexual assault is an institutional priority, and we are constantly working to achieve that goal."

It's great to have goals. But if you read the full story, the above comment is laughable.

Orgeron also said the right things.

"We take any allegation very seriously and follow Title IX reporting protocols," he said. "We are committed to a culture of safety, equity and accountability for all students and staff. We provide education, training and resources to combat violence, sexual misconduct, and inequality. When we become aware of accusations, we have an obligation to immediately report every allegation to the University’s Title IX office so that appropriate due process can be implemented.”

Again, that sounds good for the future. But the action has obviously not been there in the past.

LSU athletic director Scott Woodward has not been on the job and amid this cover-up culture for two years yet. He badly needs to use his fresh face and approach and roll some heads, or at least accelerate retirements, demote or transfer.

LSU interim president Thomas Galligan, who should be retained, made a smart move Monday by hiring an outside law firm specializing in university issues to conduct an independent review of his school's sleazy shenanigans.

And instead of being overly defensive, he admitted wrongdoing and mentioned "misconduct" that was "ignored, dismissed outright or mishandled by coaches and university officials."

That is a start.

In closing, he said, "You have my word that we will respond promptly to any report of misconduct and investigate it in a manner that is fair and equitable to everyone involved."

We shall see if that pledge actually includes all football players.

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