| OT Look. Weddings in football season? Bad enough. But this?!?! In a football game?


It was a Saturday morning; three days after my birthday (we'll get back to that in a second,) around 8ish. July, 1996. While it was almost 20 years ago, a lot of you guys will remember that time. It was an era when we got up on Saturday and watched Sportscenter back to back to back.

That was my routine during my senior year. That Saturday wasn't an exception; it was the Saturday morning following the Atlanta bombing/Richard Jewel saga. I turned the TV on that morning, saw the headlines, and while thinking "oh shit" I grabbed a beer from the cooler (left over from the B-day party.) A friend stopped by, we opened the windows and doors, cracked the beer opened, and just watched.

"Knock, knock" Two JW's stopped by my house that morning doing their "thing." I told 'em, come on in, have a seat. We're going to sit and watch this...not going to waste my time with other things. Their timing? Awful. Did they choose to stay? Uh, ehehe, no. It was either the beer, or the bong on the table...one of 'em ran them off.

Fast forward to today:

Imagine, you are watching a Bama football game on a Saturday afternoon and you hear, "knock, knock." For this ... it would change my vote.

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