| FTBL Lia's eligibility granted and Maryland's QB from last year opts out of senior season

Tebow clean with Tua talent = winning the endorsement game. Geez! Think about how many endorsements Manziel had before he dropped Johnny Football for Johnny Drama!

I have no qualms with Tebow and his "journey"... I understood it. While I think Tua may be on the same "journey", it feels like he's so much less controversial. More Like-able. Maybe it's the Hawaiin vibe, but you just don't feel the hate for that kid the way some hated Tebow. Even the Alabama haters don't seem to have a visceral reaction to him... In that way, his character and personality is pretty darn transcendent. 1 of a kind!
Explain to me how Covid has anything to do with a transfer. They don't have Covid in Maryland?

Yes, obviously. I'm talking about the impact its having on CFB. With the chaos going on (99% of which is caused by people, not the virus IMO), I don't see the NCAA putting up much of a fight against transfers this year. For example, you've got players opting out, others will no doubt have to sit out when they test positive... some rosters will have holes. I still don't believe that a full season will be completed, or maybe even started, so it may not matter anyway... but that was my point.
I don't see the NCAA putting up much of a fight against transfers this year.
Strictly my opinion here...

I feel like it's been the 'plan' from the PAC and B1G to cancel the fall season all along. They haven't because of what you've just mentioned: they would see a mass exodus of players headed to conferences that are playing. The longer they delay, the less likely they see kids jumping ship.
Strictly my opinion here...

I feel like it's been the 'plan' from the PAC and B1G to cancel the fall season all along. They haven't because of what you've just mentioned: they would see a mass exodus of players headed to conferences that are playing. The longer they delay, the less likely they see kids jumping ship.

Wouldn't doubt it a bit.
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