| FTBL Let's not go into complete meltdown..Let's turn positive!


Verified Member
We are still on par for a 7 win season which is what most expected.

Quarterback play has been awful, but it is something that I'm sure will be improved upon....with whatever means necessary.

Jonathan Lowe looked very good! Javier Arenas is continuing to improve as a DB and Zeke Knight looked like a beast out there today.

I know it's difficult to take a loss like this, but we have to take it like it is and continue to support Alabama football. Things will only get better!

The only thing that's going to make me feel positive today is if the Barn loses. and right now, it's looking like a good possibility!

I hope our team can recover form this devastating loss. We coached, played, and looked like a lost team today.

Pull it together guys! 2 games left and we can't afford to lose either of them!
I can't. I'm angry. Really, really, angry.

I can't comprehend how last week we hang 38 points on the #3 team, and this week we lose to MSU. Over and over and over during the first half (until I turned off the TV) I saw just complete incompetence - and not just JPW. It seems like he gets dumped on as a scapegoat because he is the QB and de-facto leader. But he's not the only one playing with his thumb up his dinghole out there. Just over and over and over again - missed tackles and stupid mistakes and blown blocks. And our guys who were playing great, like Lowe, couldn't get a damn thing done.

I am PISSED. Sorry, I don't know if that's filtered or not.

I'm also PREGNANT, and perhaps the hormones are getting the better of me. But I am looking for some consistency from this team, have been all year. We have a great coach and some great potential. Where is the breakdown? WHERE? What is it? How many Sports Psychologists will it take this week to get into these guys' heads? It's not lack of practice, it's not poor knowledge of the playbook. It's lack of excution and cohesiveness.


I'm angry. Angry and disappointed. And emotional. And I am a control freak, and there's nothing I can do to help any of these guys, and I feel guilty.

The end.
RollTideWendielu said:
I can't. I'm angry. Really, really, angry.

I can't comprehend how last week we hang 38 points on the #3 team, and this week we lose to MSU. Over and over and over during the first half (until I turned off the TV) I saw just complete incompetence - and not just JPW. It seems like he gets dumped on as a scapegoat because he is the QB and de-facto leader. But he's not the only one playing with his thumb up his dinghole out there. Just over and over and over again - missed tackles and stupid mistakes and blown blocks. And our guys who were playing great, like Lowe, couldn't get a damn thing done.

I am PISSED. Sorry, I don't know if that's filtered or not.

I'm also PREGNANT, and perhaps the hormones are getting the better of me. But I am looking for some consistency from this team, have been all year. We have a great coach and some great potential. Where is the breakdown? WHERE? What is it? How many Sports Psychologists will it take this week to get into these guys' heads? It's not lack of practice, it's not poor knowledge of the playbook. It's lack of excution and cohesiveness.


I'm angry. Angry and disappointed. And emotional. And I am a control freak, and there's nothing I can do to help any of these guys, and I feel guilty.

The end.

Great post!!! Your pain is shared.
reger60 said:
RollTideWendielu said:
I can't. I'm angry. Really, really, angry.

I can't comprehend how last week we hang 38 points on the #3 team, and this week we lose to MSU. Over and over and over during the first half (until I turned off the TV) I saw just complete incompetence - and not just JPW. It seems like he gets dumped on as a scapegoat because he is the QB and de-facto leader. But he's not the only one playing with his thumb up his dinghole out there. Just over and over and over again - missed tackles and stupid mistakes and blown blocks. And our guys who were playing great, like Lowe, couldn't get a damn thing done.

I am PISSED. Sorry, I don't know if that's filtered or not.

I'm also PREGNANT, and perhaps the hormones are getting the better of me. But I am looking for some consistency from this team, have been all year. We have a great coach and some great potential. Where is the breakdown? WHERE? What is it? How many Sports Psychologists will it take this week to get into these guys' heads? It's not lack of practice, it's not poor knowledge of the playbook. It's lack of excution and cohesiveness.


I'm angry. Angry and disappointed. And emotional. And I am a control freak, and there's nothing I can do to help any of these guys, and I feel guilty.

The end.

Great post!!! Your pain is shared.

i like what i read. great post.
RollTideWendielu said:
I can't. I'm angry. Really, really, angry.

I can't comprehend how last week we hang 38 points on the #3 team, and this week we lose to MSU. Over and over and over during the first half (until I turned off the TV) I saw just complete incompetence - and not just JPW. It seems like he gets dumped on as a scapegoat because he is the QB and de-facto leader. But he's not the only one playing with his thumb up his dinghole out there. Just over and over and over again - missed tackles and stupid mistakes and blown blocks. And our guys who were playing great, like Lowe, couldn't get a damn thing done.

I am PISSED. Sorry, I don't know if that's filtered or not.

I'm also PREGNANT, and perhaps the hormones are getting the better of me. But I am looking for some consistency from this team, have been all year. We have a great coach and some great potential. Where is the breakdown? WHERE? What is it? How many Sports Psychologists will it take this week to get into these guys' heads? It's not lack of practice, it's not poor knowledge of the playbook. It's lack of excution and cohesiveness.


I'm angry. Angry and disappointed. And emotional. And I am a control freak, and there's nothing I can do to help any of these guys, and I feel guilty.

The end.

^^RAN Can you play on the line lol!!
I am going to be pi$$ed for my full 24 hrs. :evil:

Then I'll be ready to be back in T-Town to send the seniors off right and get ready for the Barn.

A disapointing loss for sure.
reger60 said:
musso said:
wooooooo hooooooooo roll tide roll baby!!!!!!!!

i'm so excited. ^^JO

You are one heck of a fan there musso. :roll:
Why don't you go find a team you like?

Man, even as mad as I get about them. I would never feel that way. I will always be proud to be a Bama fan. Crap, we all went out to dinner tonight and I wore my colors proud! I saw a Tennessee fan and thought to myself, man I'd hate to be that guy! :lol:

If you aren't ready for the bad and the good, maybe you don't like them all that much. :?:
Did anyone predict that in year one we would look like anything other than an inconsistent team with great potential?

We kicked Tennessee in the junk. Went toe-to-toe with a Georgia team that lends optimism to that game in two weeks down in Cowtown, Alabama. Against LSU we gave them moments that made them so tight that you couldn't drive a nail up their ("dinghole" was it?). I think we actually cheered in approval a few times this year, which I take as the team showing that potential.

So this was the inconsistency part of everyone's predictions.

I see a bright future ahead. 8)
LBS said:
Did anyone predict that in year one we would look like anything other than an inconsistent team with great potential?

We kicked Tennessee in the junk. Went toe-to-toe with a Georgia team that lends optimism to that game in two weeks down in Cowtown, Alabama. Against LSU we gave them moments that made them so tight that you couldn't drive a nail up their ("dinghole" was it?). I think we actually cheered in approval a few times this year, which I take as the team showing that potential.

So this was the inconsistency part of everyone's predictions.

I see a bright future ahead. 8)

how about a subliminal positive....This lost probably insures that Applewhite and other coaches will remain intact for a couple more years.
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