| FTBL Let's Look Ahead to Miami--How Do You Do It?


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Spare me the "one game at a time" lines. The team won't care if you discuss this, I promise.

My gut still says Bama to the title game. It won't take THAT much to accomplish it. All 3 teams ahead of you have legit games ahead of them.

You end your season with two cream puffs (yes, I understand what I'm saying here). Your ticket to ATL is punched.

Bama/UGA- No way they're good enough to run on you. Murray ALWAYS sucks it up in big games. This one could look ugly.

So, Bama wins out and some combo of the top 3 drops the necessary games for Bama to get in. How does the SEC keep the crown?

Bama/Notre Dame--I think this is best case scenario for you guys. Their defense looks great but outside of Te'o, you guys have faced better. Bama would smash Notre Dame. Smash them.

Bama/K-State--This one is more interesting because Klein is good enough to give them a fighting chance. They play tough, fundamentally sound football. They don't beat themselves. But Klein isn't good enough to do it going through the teeth of your defense. Saban used the same scheme to almost beat Tebow in 2008 and to smash him in 2009 as he did to almost completely neutralize the best college football player in decades. Klein isn't on their level. Probably closer than many want but Bama wins another.

Bama/Oregon--Bama is a better team. Oregon couldn't stop Bama's O. Does Bama'a performance against TAMU haunt them and cost them two games or piss them off and have them out for blood against a better version of the spread?

I think Bama would win this one also. My question is, how? You guys know more about this team than I. How do you attack Oregon differently?
Give Saban enough time in the post season and he will have all sorts of looks and comes out guns blazing.

If anything the A&M game would probably give them a leg up facing Oregon. Manzeil plays crazy backyard football and makes you pay by sucking in the backfield. I don't think Oregon poses that kind of QB threat. Their D is not as good as they think. Their offense is crazy fast but given rest and scheme I would think we cold handle them with enough confusion on looks.

I agree on KState. Could be interesting.

No matter what happens, I want to play ND and crush them. I hate their fans. I hate their helmets. Bama history has payback. I want us to be the ones to ruin their undefeated season.

Georgia is coming along. But they've shown they are undisciplined at times this season. Murray always chokes. I would love to finish what we started in the first half of the blackout game. It will be closer than I think people think though. All depends on how we look for the next two weeks. Hopefully we get our offensive consistently back these next two weeks.
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