| FTBL Kenny Stabler video from years ago

Lived his life on his own terms, eh?

Found this pic surfin' around this morning...don't have to live close to the ocean to appreciate how fun this is.


This article was about the Snake in his prime. He definitely lived life to the max.

They don't write articles like that anymore, but then again they don't have that type of material, either. I loved reading SI in the seventies and eighties, had a student subscription for next to nothing. I'd like to think, jealously, that it influenced my writing style. Thanks for sharing. I wonder what Wanda looks like these days...


Tim, at that time I was a subscriber as well. It was a good mag back then, something you looked forward to each week. Now it is pretty much a piece of junk, like so much of what is left of the print media. I used to have the SI cover where Barry Kraus stopped Penn State on the goal line. I meant to keep it, but if I still have it I have no idea where it is.
Your picture of Kenny is exactly what I picture when I think of him. Growing up in the 70's and early 80's, before Gulf Shores was developed, we saw him nearly every time we were there. He had a house on Ono Island, and we stayed in a condo on Ole River just down from his house. He was the King of the Redneck Riviera before it was popular. You always heard that boat coming long before you saw it, and when he passed by doing @ 70, all the kids would run back to their parents to tell of the Stabler sighting. EVERYONE knew who he was. And he loved it.
It was unfortunate to hear about Kenny's death. I met Kenny a number of times at a Raiders game or doing some charity event in Mobile. He was an icon to many and one of the reasons I became a die-hard Raiders fan. No one was more calm, cool, and enjoyable to talk to than he was. It really sucks that he's gone.
Thanks man! Loved them. With everything Snake did to himself, he still has a great memory.

Or just makes things up.

He was, and is, one of my favorites.

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I met him once in PCola. I have never been one to care about meeting famous people ,getting autographs or making a big deal about it(have met about 8 or 9 famous people). I was there with my now ex-wife, went to the bar to order some drinks, a guy comes up to the bar on my right side to order drinks for his table. I know who it is right away, he says hi first and we talk about what is on the TV above the bar, I think it was the OKC bombing, never about who he was or about UA/Raiders, never gave our names. My drinks come first and as I start to head back to my table, I tell him "Nice to meet you Kenny", he smiles one of the biggest smiles you ever saw and says "the pleasure was all mine."
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