| OT June 6, 1944! Thanks!!

Sorry @SnakeDoc, but I do not have an accurate answer for that question. I would rather not guess. My oldest surviving Brother may be able to
give me an answer on that one.

All of my Grandparents had passed by the time I was born. So, most information on them is a bit sketchy, especially on my Dad's side.
No worries. Just curious.
Ha, I attempted to do the same, but gave up to the fact of just how cool it sounded. Even spoke to my wife about it and how unreal it sounded.
You know back then, the age was very different between the two. Take my folks, My dad was 21 and my Mother was 14. Back then, a lot of men would marry very young girls.
My Mom had two older brothers by the same parents. Her Mother apparently died when my Mom was pretty young from brain hemorrhage.
Her Father remarried a woman that my Mom didn't like, but she did gain a step brother out of the deal. So my Mom ended up with 3 Brothers, and no sisters. My Dad, on the other hand, had 5 sisters with no brothers.
@SnakeDoc you should find that knife and mound it. WOW!! Grand Father was at Iwo Jima and saw the Flag raise, you know a lot of folks don't know about the Flag being raised twice. The only thing my Dad did was work for the Government to plant kudzu, so it kept him out of the service.
My other grandfather had flat feet and couldn't serve. My step-grandfather worked on B-24 radars in the European theater.
Some good stuff in this thread. Visiting Normandy and some surrounding areas is high up on my wish list.

My paternal grandmother’s second husband served alongside the Band of Brothers crew. He wasn't in one of the "Easy" or "Delta" companies but he was in an infantry regiment that served next to them at Bastogne. The last 3 days he and his foxhole mate were down to 3 M1 bullets and half a pistol magazine. If they were attacked their plan was to charge with their bayonets and try to steal a dead German’s weapon then get back to the foxhole. It never came to that though. He later earned a Purple Heart (that I need to get repaired because the ribbon is messed up).

Her first husband, who died not long after the war, also served. I don’t know much about his service other than he was in the Army and brought home a German Army dagger from a Nazi he supposedly dispatched. I have the dagger tucked away in a safe.

My maternal Grandfather had a close call when he was digging a foxhole during the Bulge and one of his platoon mates dug his too shallow and then panicked and stole my grandfather’s when the shelling started. My grandfather went to the other one and a few minutes later his original foxhole was directly hit. He carried a camera with him and had some photos, but unfortunately I have no clue what ever happened to them. I do have some cool maps that he saved.
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