| OT June 6, 1944! Thanks!!

My wife and I went to Normandy last summer. This was the best view of the beach we tourists were allowed to have.


I don't have family buried there; this is the first Alabamian's cross I found.


Another view:

This great generation! This is what bravery is.
I watched a tv show about the buried American soldiers and how the Dutch people tend to the graves of our soldiers that are buried there , even to this day.

They actually adopt the graves and will visit like twice a year bearing flowers and gifts to show their thanks. Some of the families have had tended to the same soldier since the end of the war.

Here’s an article on the subject.

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Very hallowed ground! That is one place I want to visit before I die. A special thank you to the men who lost their lives on that beach. Freedom is not free and these men stepped up and proved that to all of us.
My Grandfather enlisted after Pearl Harbor attack. He was in a few different battles but probably the most infamous he was in was the battle of the Bulge.

I believe his company was mentioned in the show Band of Brothers when they were sent to the Bulge to help defeat the germans. He also helped in freeing some of the POW’s.

I still have a german swastika armband that he took off a soldier . My grandfather was a great man. Like most of that generation. He was my hero my whole life . Even before i knew what he did in the war.

He was also no fan of John Wayne. He used to tell me if you want to look up to a movie star thats a real man , look up to Audi Murphy.
My Grandfather, born 1857, I believe, was shooting his slingshot at Union soldiers while hiding in the bushes when he was 6 years old,
over in Ga where he was born.
I’m trying to do the math. If he was born in 1857, and became a parent to your mom/dad in his 20s to 40s (1877-1897/1906), how old was your mom/dad when they had you?
@OldPlayer, My Gramps fathered my Mother in June, 1926, I believe he was 70 years old. My Mom passed in 1994. My Dad was born in Dec. 1910 and passed in 1998.
I was born in Feb. 1956, my Mom was 29. My Dad who was discharged from the Army in 1945, I believe, was 45 years old when I was born.
Some late starters in your bunch...

My parents were both born in 20s...theirs in late 1800s...
I tell my ggkids ( only ones that listen anymore)...about how that must have been...
No TV...no telephones...no A/C...radio...etc
Talk about eyes glazing over...
@OldPlayer, My Gramps fathered my Mother in June, 1926, I believe he was 70 years old. My Mom passed in 1994. My Dad was born in Dec. 1910 and passed in 1998.
I was born in Feb. 1956, my Mom was 29. My Dad who was discharged from the Army in 1945, I believe, was 45 years old when I was born.
How old was your grandmother when she had your mother?
Sorry @SnakeDoc, but I do not have an accurate answer for that question. I would rather not guess. My oldest surviving Brother may be able to
give me an answer on that one.

All of my Grandparents had passed by the time I was born. So, most information on them is a bit sketchy, especially on my Dad's side.
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