| FTBL John Michael Boswell Update


I talked with Boswell at school the other day and he looks ALOT BIGGER than he did at the beginning of the school year. I asked him about the workout Saban had put him on and he said he was Bench Pressing over 350 and was working out hard. He also told me that we had 4 or 5 Linemen that were benching over 400 now. FYI. :twisted:
AFTide said:
I talked with Boswell at school the other day and he looks ALOT BIGGER than he did at the beginning of the school year. I asked him about the workout Saban had put him on and he said he was Bench Pressing over 350 and was working out hard. He also told me that we had 4 or 5 Linemen that were benching over 400 now. FYI. :twisted:
Thanks for keep us updated man. :wink:

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