| FTBL Is this a good seat?

Roll Tide Rev

Verified Member
I am looking to buy some tickets for a BAMA game but I am a little confused about where some seats are in the stadium.

I have been a Bama fan since I was a kid, but have never been able to go to a game. My wife became a fan when we were married and now we want to go experience the magic in person!

I am still on the lookout for the right tickets, so I may post a few times about different seats and you let me know if they are good or bad. Bad meaning up high.. :D

Here is an option I have seen for now at the Ole Miss game.


What say ye? :wink:
Go to http://www.stubhub.com/alabama-football-tickets/ and click on a game and it will show the tickets and prices available and also a map of the stadium and if you roll the mouse over the stadium seats it will show you the price ranges for that section... hope this helps you out...
if it's in the stadium, they are good seats
lol try saying that when you about as high as you can go and the people on the field just about look like ants... but so far your in the 4th upper deck... pretty high up...
Upper deck, East side, is a pretty good view of the game. I've sat up there a few times, never that close to one of the end zones, but I was pleasantly surprised my first time in the East upper deck.

Hey, you'll be close to the student section, above the band...should be a loud corner.
Pray it's not a day game because U4 is as hot as heck when the sun's out. :?
I seat in U-4 sec. DD and always have a great time and you can see more than one would think Plus you can see all 3 jumbo
In 2005 I took my granddaughter to the Ark. game. We were in the upper upper deck. But you could still see the whole field of play. The only problem we had that day. Was the kid sitting in front of us shaking his pom pom. Those thing don't feel good hitting you in the face. :D And no it wasn't Atlanta-Tider boy either. :D I saw him way over on the other side at the fence shaking his. We were sitting around the hoggs fans too.
My seats are in U4 CC, row 29. Actually, they are perfect for a day game. You will be 4 rows from the top and under the canopy, so you will be in the shade. Also, you'll be dry if it rains. You can see the whole field.
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