🏈 Interesting BCS trend with Oklahoma


Verified Member
Why do these guys always get the benefit of the doubt? We all know about this year's felony against Texas, but remember this one (and see if it does not give Alabama a valid argument as to why they should still be number 1):

In 2003, Oklahoma was undefeated going into the Big 12 title game, and there were about 4 one loss teams behind them (USC,LSU,etc.). They got beat by 35 points; 5 freaking TD's by Kansas St, and remained number one the following week...what happened then? They booted out USC and placed LSU in the title game against the Sooners. Anyone want to explain to me why this hasn't been brought up on ESPN, or anywhere else for that matter? Why does OU always get the pass?
well there's no mystery here. the BCS system is flawed. this is why everyone complains at this time of year.

if i were a Longhorn fan, i don't know if i'd ever get over the injustice of this season.

in the absence of a playoff, i don't mind computers determining the better team between teams that don't play each other. HOWEVER, when head-to-head results are COMPLETELY NEGATED, that is complete bull$%!#.
musso said:
well there's no mystery here. the BCS system is flawed. this is why everyone complains at this time of year.

if i were a Longhorn fan, i don't know if i'd ever get over the injustice of this season.

in the absence of a playoff, i don't mind computers determining the better team between teams that don't play each other. HOWEVER, when head-to-head results are COMPLETELY NEGATED, that is complete bull$%!#.

From the standpoint of head to head with OU, I understand what you are saying but quite frankly, BAMA got screwed just like any other 1 loss team that didn't get to play for all of the marbles. Why should BAMA be penalized because they lost their game later than OU, USC, UT or Florida? It's because the system sucks in more than just one way. Let's face it, UT and BAMA both have as much of a gripe as anyone, afterall, UT lost to Top 10 Texas Tech and BAMA lost to a top 5 ranked UF team. Who was that who lost to Ole Miss again? :roll:
2003, OU was a great team, and lost to a very good K-State team. (UF lost this year, LSU lost twice last year). They also played LSU, in the Superdome, and lost 21-14. They came back and made it a game, and got close to tieing the game.
Point is, they were no chumps. There were just a handful of good teams and they played the best they could, and the BCS put them in there.

Also, was that the year White won the Heisman? I remeber he had a bad throwing hand injury where he couldn't shake hands, yet played anyway. Tough break.
bamafan4ever said:
musso said:
well there's no mystery here. the BCS system is flawed. this is why everyone complains at this time of year.

if i were a Longhorn fan, i don't know if i'd ever get over the injustice of this season.

in the absence of a playoff, i don't mind computers determining the better team between teams that don't play each other. HOWEVER, when head-to-head results are COMPLETELY NEGATED, that is complete bull$%!#.

From the standpoint of head to head with OU, I understand what you are saying but quite frankly, BAMA got screwed just like any other 1 loss team that didn't get to play for all of the marbles. Why should BAMA be penalized because they lost their game later than OU, USC, UT or Florida? It's because the system sucks in more than just one way. Let's face it, UT and BAMA both have as much of a gripe as anyone, afterall, UT lost to Top 10 Texas Tech and BAMA lost to a top 5 ranked UF team. Who was that who lost to Ole Miss again? :roll:

i definitely agree with your point about UF's one loss being worse than our one loss. however, i disagree with your assertion that Bama's exclusion from the BCS title game is equally unfair as the others. in the absence of a playoff system, i believe we MUST put head-to-head results at the top of the list of priorities. after all, doesn't the whole pro-playoff argument rest on the sanctity of head-to-head competition? isn't this why we play games in the first place?

yes, we have the same record as UF, but UF beat us. end of discussion. in my opinion, that should end any debate about who between UF and Bama is more deserving. how UF and Bama played against common opponents should have little to no impact since UF and Bama competed against each other. now, should UF be given a chance to play in the BCS title game? that is a more difficult question to answer in my opinion.

in the case of the Big XII, we know there was a 3-way tie in the South. we understand how OU was selected to represent the South over Texas and Texas Tech. many disagree with the method of how the Big XII decides a three-way tie in its divisions. in fact, i think most of us prefer how the ACC and SEC deal with divisional ties. it's obviously good to recognize the teams which are peaking at the end of the season, but you also want to honor the head-to-head matchups decided during the season.

this is how i see the Big XII South:

Texas's last-second loss to a top 10 team > OU's double-digit loss to a top 5 team > Texas Tech's disasterous showing against a top 5 team.

thus, Texas's body of work this season was more impressive than OU and Texas Tech.
musso said:
Swamptick said:
bamafan4ever said:
Who was that who lost to Ole Miss again? :roll:

It wasn't Alabama.

Team A finishes 12-1.

Team B finishes 12-1.

Team A beat Team B.

is not Team A more deserving?

do head-to-head results not mean more than the results from common opponents?
Spot on Musso. We can't complain about not being in the NC, because we lost to Florida. End of story. But, I take comfort in knowing that we did as well as anybody in the country. Besides Florida, we have just as much right to play for the big one as any other 1 loss team.
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