🏈 Inspirational Caller on CNS Radio Show


Verified Member
I loved the inspirational call by the Tide fan tonight who has Spinal Bifida and confined to a wheel chair..

Said he had two goals in life:

1. To play football for the tide.
2. To graduate from Bama.

He said achieved the second goal and that is awesome.

I wish that CNS had invited the kid to the sideline for the Iron Bowl. Bet it would have made his life..... Roll Tide!
I wish I could have heard that. My daughter has Spina Bifida. That is her picture in my avatar. She is also in a wheel chair.
She just turned 5 yrs. old and is the happiest child I think I have ever known.

The Doctor's actually tried to get us to have an abortion. Of course we didn't even consider it, but looking back at what they wanted and thinking about what all we would have missed gets me a little choked up. She has been such a blessing.

Sorry though I wasn't trying to hijack your thread.
tidenumber1 said:
I wish I could have heard that. My daughter has Spina Bifida. That is her picture in my avatar. She is also in a wheel chair.
She just turned 5 yrs. old and is the happiest child I think I have ever known.

The Doctor's actually tried to get us to have an abortion. Of course we didn't even consider it, but looking back at what they wanted and thinking about what all we would have missed gets me a little choked up. She has been such a blessing.

Sorry though I wasn't trying to hijack your thread.

I don't think he will mind and I'm glad you did. Thanks for sharing your story and prayers for your family and a cure for SB ^*() Our neighbors child has CF and my heart is out for all children and parents with any childhood disease.

To the post, I agree it would have been nice for CNS to ask the child to come to the game, but please remember our coach is focused on the Xs and Os and if you are a husband I'm sure your wife has reminded you of what you should have done but didn't. Nevertheless, I feel sure it touched our Coach's heart but keep in mind that he is pretty occupied at the moment with finishing the season.
God Bless!

Yes, God Bless you both for your post! And God Bless you TIDENUMBER1 for sharing your daughter's with us. Your daughter is beautiful and you are truly blessed. We too have a daughter w/ special needs so my heart always goes out for people who can relate.

Before my daughter was born.. I measured my success by the Almighty $$$.. A lot has changed and seeing her smile now makes me rich. My daughter's is now 8 and doing great and there is nothing better than seeing her in her BAMA Cheerleeding outfit running around the house on Saturdays!

Big Roll Tide!
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