If you're into history, especially Civil War history, this is interesting

Its always about the Yankee's, Ever noticed how its the south that was always inhumane to yankee prisoners (Andersonville)
rare mention of yankee camp (Camp Douglas ) which was much worse to the confederates. But who can really say whats worse.
Noble Yankee's, Evil bigoted southerners. BS " Lee surrendered but I didn't!"
Its always about the Yankee's, Ever noticed how its the south that was always inhumane to yankee prisoners (Andersonville)
rare mention of yankee camp (Camp Douglas ) which was much worse to the confederates. But who can really say whats worse.
Noble Yankee's, Evil bigoted southerners. BS " Lee surrendered but I didn't!"

"But they took my horse, and the made him surrender."
Its always about the Yankee's, Ever noticed how its the south that was always inhumane to yankee prisoners (Andersonville)
rare mention of yankee camp (Camp Douglas ) which was much worse to the confederates. But who can really say whats worse.
Noble Yankee's, Evil bigoted southerners. BS " Lee surrendered but I didn't!"

It seems to be a thing doesn't it? In Andersonville the soldiers starved because they just had no food to give them. In the Union Camp Morton, the guards would pick random soldiers and whip them to death for fun. Plus they also starved to death, when they had plenty of supplies to give them.

And then you have the oversimplification of everything about that war. If I hear another simpleton spout off some line from Wikipedia I will snap.
You nailed it @Japanese Redneck
So complicated that they didn't give a shit about the slaves. It was money. South didn't need the meddling Yankees dipping into our profits. North wanted to keep their hands in our pockets and preserve the union . All about the money. Even the French and British figured that out...and capitalized. The North didn't give a fuq for the slaves. Honest Abe even said so.
You nailed it @Japanese Redneck
So complicated that they didn't give a **** about the slaves. It was money. South didn't need the meddling Yankees dipping into our profits. North wanted to keep their hands in our pockets and preserve the union . All about the money. Even the French and British figured that out...and capitalized. The North didn't give a fuq for the slaves. Honest Abe even said so.

19th century America wasn't a nice place if you were black. The South had slavery. The north, wouldn't allow them to vote, live in the same areas, and limited their economic options drastically. So not exactly any real freedom either way. Also slaves got a mule and a plot of land when freed. Wage slaves get nothing.

And you are right, the war was like any other wars; fought for money.
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