| OT If kneeling during the anthem is a form of social protest to draw attention to injustices, what do we call the Ole Miss players kneeling


Some really know F'ing nothing of being an American....
Use ur rights to disrespect Vets, the POTUS, the history, the flag, the country that gives u freedom and protection etc
Go ahead,....use ur "rights".......
check out these who used their rights....View attachment 10847

Easy Josh, you're taking this to a place that it shouldn't be taken. Don't ever question or comment about me being an American.
In the same light that some recognize the loss of family members during wars involving the United States, there are families that still recognize their elders who were alive in the days of the confederacy. I've met several and it's not a "it's all about the money" with a lot of them. It's about remembering their lineage.

Personally, I'm of the opinion if history offends you make damn sure you don't repeat it...and I'm sure the old cliches are coming to mind about repeating history.

How long before we see people get offended by the "Little Round House" on campus?
You serious with that statement? When will you and a lot of others realize it's about money. No one truly gives a shit about social issues or racism as long as their pockets are full. Ole Miss can get so many of these athletes to professional futures and money that they don't give one eff about Colonial Reb or the state flag. If they did, you're right, they would never go play there or attend class there. Symbols only mean things to those using them to profit off others, to get camera time, and to get the masses riled up.

It's a good thing that Bama education has you thinking outside the box. I mean, who could ever accuse you of generalizing and trivializing all humanity.

Some really know F'ing nothing of being an American....
Use ur rights to disrespect Vets, the POTUS, the history, the flag, the country that gives u freedom and protection etc
Go ahead,....use ur "rights".......
check out these who used their rights....View attachment 10847

Every vet that died, died so that people could use their rights to express than any way they choose fit, as long as peaceful, whether you like it or not. And miss me with the "respect for POTUS" nonsense. Yall weren't saying that 8 years ago, so I have no tears for you. And I simply dont agree that its disrespecting vets, the flag or the country. Sorry.

Easy Josh, you're taking this to a place that it shouldn't be taken. Don't ever question or comment about me being an American.

No I'm not, you're twisting what I said to try and make yourself a victim. I didnt question you being an American or anyone else.
Every vet that died, died so that people could use their rights to express than any way they choose fit, as long as peaceful, whether you like it or not. And miss me with the "respect for POTUS" nonsense. Yall weren't saying that 8 years ago, so I have no tears for you. And I simply dont agree that its disrespecting vets, the flag or the country. Sorry.

No I'm not, you're twisting what I said to try and make yourself a victim. I didnt question you being an American or anyone else.

Yeah...these young believe the world started when they were born..and what ever the libtards say is true....wrong wrong wrong....
Sure people respected Obama as potus ....but rarely any thing else...
Whatever...but..bubba...it is disrespectful to the vets,...the flag..and all America..
Yeah...these young believe the world started when they were born..and what ever the libtards say is true....wrong wrong wrong....
Sure people respected Obama as potus ....but rarely any thing else...
Whatever...but..bubba...it is disrespectful to the vets,...the flag..and all America..

Dude. I stop listening when you can't even come up with a rational, logical decent post without calling someone a libtard. Don't @ me.
Many people went to far away lands with a blank check that was cashed with the price of their lives to defend our constitution and whether we agree or not that includes the right to protest.

I wouldn't kneel during the anthem or walk on the flag or anything else like that, but our constitution doesn’t just cover what we agree with.

As for the respect the president and all that I agree with the presidency, but I don’t have to respect the person occupying the office
Many people went to far away lands with a blank check that was cashed with the price of their lives to defend our constitution and whether we agree or not that includes the right to protest.

I wouldn't kneel during the anthem or walk on the flag or anything else like that, but our constitution doesn’t just cover what we agree with.

As for the respect the president and all that I agree with the presidency, but I don’t have to respect the person occupying the office

I honestly don't care about whether someone respects the office or the person. I just have an issue when people that are huge Donald Trump supporters have this revisionist history that somehow Obama was this uber well-respect person, even by the people that were walking holding up nooses with dolls made to look like him, hundreds of thousands of people called him "illegitimate because he isnt really American" or that he was some Muslim terrorist. Please do not bring that fake "we respected" him mess. I have no problem saying I have zero respect for Trump but I also do not respect people that show nothing but disrespect for others, either.
I honestly don't care about whether someone respects the office or the person. I just have an issue when people that are huge Donald Trump supporters have this revisionist history that somehow Obama was this uber well-respect person, even by the people that were walking holding up nooses with dolls made to look like him, hundreds of thousands of people called him "illegitimate because he isnt really American" or that he was some Muslim terrorist. Please do not bring that fake "we respected" him mess. I have no problem saying I have zero respect for Trump but I also do not respect people that show nothing but disrespect for others, either.
Obama was uber well-respected by a vast majority of the country and anything said otherwise just simply isn’t truthful. There was many many things that I disagreed with him on, but I respected him. My biggest problem I had with him is when those 5 officers in Dallas were killed he was at the memorial and some of the things that he said.

As for Trump I didn’t vote for him for the same reasons people have issues with him now
Obama was uber well-respected by a vast majority of the country and anything said otherwise just simply isn’t truthful. There was many many things that I disagreed with him on, but I respected him. My biggest problem I had with him is when those 5 officers in Dallas were killed he was at the memorial and some of the things that he said.

As for Trump I didn’t vote for him for the same reasons people have issues with him now

He was respected by the majority, yes, but def. not the vast majority. Again, my issue isnt with the logical thinking normal people that respected him or any other president but virtually the only people I see complaining about Trump not being respected were the same ones I would see sharing memes on Facebook about how Obama was the Antichrist. Its fake.
It's a good thing that Bama education has you thinking outside the box. I mean, who could ever accuse you of generalizing and trivializing all humanity.

Feel free to prove me wrong. By your posts, you can't seem to figure it out and cannot understand. So if these guys felt so victimized as you seem to think they are, they wouldn't be donning the colors and university name. Money on the other hand, makes people do just about anything. Don't belittle me for pointing out the obvious that you couldn't seem to get out of your mouth for sake of looking insensitive.
No I'm not, you're twisting what I said to try and make yourself a victim. I didnt question you being an American or anyone else.

Victim, come on. That's now how I play things.

Apologies. I read that as you were talking to me seeing as you tagged me. I've went back and read what you've posted a few times. I'm still not sure what the point of you tagging me in and then telling me that some just don't know what being American is.

My only concerns with all of this, when is enough enough? When can people just see some statues as just that... Now that the statues are gone, has it really changed anything? Negative. The statues have no bearing on how people get treated in this day and age.
Victim, come on. That's now how I play things.

Apologies. I read that as you were talking to me seeing as you tagged me. I've went back and read what you've posted a few times. I'm still not sure what the point of you tagging me in and then telling me that some just don't know what being American is.

My only concerns with all of this, when is enough enough? When can people just see some statues as just that... Now that the statues are gone, has it really changed anything? Negative. The statues have no bearing on how people get treated in this day and age.
I think people in today’s society have to find things to complain about, to have a “cause”
Victim, come on. That's now how I play things.

Apologies. I read that as you were talking to me seeing as you tagged me. I've went back and read what you've posted a few times. I'm still not sure what the point of you tagging me in and then telling me that some just don't know what being American is.

My only concerns with all of this, when is enough enough? When can people just see some statues as just that... Now that the statues are gone, has it really changed anything? Negative. The statues have no bearing on how people get treated in this day and age.

I didn't tag you. I quoted your post where you asked "Do Vietnamese Americans get a chance to voice their displeasure?" And I said yes because they are Americans and they have that right to voice whatever they want to like the rest of us. I never said "some just dont know what being American is" . I didnt say it. I never said that anywhere. The person that said that was 50 year tidefan and HE tagged you. I dont know why he tagged you but Im pretty sure he was accusing me of not knowing what it is to be an American, not you.
I didn't tag you. I quoted your post where you asked "Do Vietnamese Americans get a chance to voice their displeasure?" And I said yes because they are Americans and they have that right to voice whatever they want to like the rest of us. I never said "some just dont know what being American is" . I didnt say it. I never said that anywhere. The person that said that was 50 year tidefan and HE tagged you. I dont know why he tagged you but Im pretty sure he was accusing me of not knowing what it is to be an American, not you.

Ah! My apologies Josh. I misread that big time.

Serves me right, my deepest apologies. I'm outside working on my car and while waiting on degreaser to work its magic on my power steering reservoir, I jumped on my phone checking a few things.

/cautiously walks backwards looking for the door/
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Ah! My apologies Josh. I misread that big time.

Serves me right, my deepest apologies. I'm outside working on my car and while waiting on degreaser to work its magic on my power steering reservoir, I jumped on my phone checking a few things.

/cautiously walks backwards looking for the door/

It's all good, I understand how you old people are with technology :devilish:
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