* Assistant coaches weren't made available after the game because it was a "tough night," Tubberville said. (Of course, it was also a tough night for Todd, who endured about eight minutes of interrogation at the podium.)
Tubberville is nothing but a low-rent, used car selling ass clown. I've said it before to the barners that come onto this site and I'll say it again. The man has ZERO integrity or scruples. He'd have Chris Todd up there fending off the darts so that it takes some of the pressure off of him and merry little band of keystone cop "coaches".
Todd is a lousy quarterback and everyone knows it. Heck, Todd probably knows it. Todd is still a kid though and doesn't need to be paraded out to the media to take the fall for the team. Yeah, he played lousy, but the whole team is lousy. Tubberville is lousy. His Oxford boys on staff are lousy. But Tubberville and the rest of those lousy incompetent clowns are getting payed. Todd's not.
I dislike Auburn a lot but I absolutely loath Tommy Tubberville. The guy's despicable. The video of his Auburn lap dogs filming Tony Franklin and laughing at him as he leaves the facility, and now this, just reaffirms to me what real crap bags AU staff members really are.