| LIFE How easy would it be, in your life, to not drive any longer?


My car is paid for. Insurance, $445 something every six months.

When I have to go to the office, most of the time I take the "Express Bus" with Carta. $3. It's easier than driving...I just sit back and read. A VERY large portion of what I buy I have delivered. IE: Needed dog food. It'll be here today, no charge for delivery.

I wanted some Gatorage earlier today: jumped on my bike.

I'm sitting here thinking...as every day goes by, the need for the car/truck gets smaller.
@TerryP got to ask why so much on your auto insurance? By the way, I live in the county so got no bust stop neat me.
Where I live. I don't see $445 for full coverage high. I think the truck is $565, but we split that bill. When Dennis paid that I gave him $220, three of us split that bill.

There's an intersection a couple of miles from the house that had the highest accident rate in the state a few years ago. The next highest? Another mile from that one. When you are looking at insurance quotes and they ask you your zip code? There ya go.

It dawns on me. I haven't driven anywhere in over two weeks. When we've gone to the water I wasn't driving.

My new Year's resolution this year was not turning the volume on my phone on....still haven't. I don't even know where it is right now. My next one might be to just stop driving. Why? Except for a vacation or something...
You mean, to never drive again? Ever? I don't drive as much as most these days... and I don't enjoy driving, especially 95% of the time, but zero chance I could voluntarily give it up. Also, I have to drive when I'm with Mrs. Van de Graaff... it can be a 5 minute drive or a 5 hour drive, but I'm not programmed to sit in the passenger seat on those occasions.
You mean, to never drive again? Ever? I don't drive as much as most these days... and I don't enjoy driving, especially 95% of the time, but zero chance I could voluntarily give it up. Also, I have to drive when I'm with Mrs. Van de Graaff... it can be a 5 minute drive or a 5 hour drive, but I'm not programmed to sit in the passenger seat on those occasions.
I"m not going to sell the car, or the truck. There's a need for both.

I got a bill in the mail the other day for $5. It's due August 6th. The same time I renew my auto insurance...and I owe $5 bucks on the policy. One of the questions Nationwide is asking on this renewal, as in all cases, is how much do I drive. It sort of shocked me when I started thinking about that question. I don't drive a lot, at all.

The only time my car has moved this month is driving my mom to church and twice to the doctor.

I think we can just say I'm lazy...figuring out ways to do things without driving anywhere.
Couldn’t do it!!!
I’ve retired once, now I’m full time in my own gig. I’m 100+ miles a day…. During the week anyway.
I have a truck I use for work (2024 ram 2500 Laramie)
And I have a truck for personal use (2022 ram 1500 big horn)
I don’t use the business one for personal use and vice versa… I may be able to go without the personal use truck most of the time.

And both are paid for, I refuse to finance vehicles any more. If I can’t buy it out right I don’t really need it that bad!!!!!
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