| FTBL Houston Homecoming Game


Hello, everyone! I'm new to the forum, and I was hoping I could tap into your collective wisdom concerning a question I have. My wife and I are planning on going to the Houston game on October 6. This will be our very first Alabama game, and we're excited about it! However, because of our circumstances, we really need for the game to be an early afternoon start time. If it's a 6:00 kick, we're going to have a hard time going. I notice that as of yet the time hasn't officially been announced. Do ya'll have any inside info? Or, what's your best guess about game time? I'd hate to go ahead and buy tickets to a game that I won't be able to go to!

Thanks, and Roll Tide!!!
Homecoming is ALMOST always a 1:00pm kick. I would assume it will be the same this year. (only time its not at 1 is if TV comes into effect)
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Homecoming is ALMOST always a 1:00pm kick. I would assume it will be the same this year. (only time its not at 1 is if TV comes into effect)

Trust in Lenny, he knows of which he speaks. I believe the latest I've ever heard of it being is 3:00, but more than likely it will be 1:00.
Lenny is right.

Because TV games dictate what time kick-off is, it will likely be a pay-per view game. LSU and Florida play that day along with the UT-Georgia, South Carolina--UK, and Auburn-Vandy.

All of these are SEC match-ups that will take precedence over UA-Houston. Being the game is in October and weather is cooler (typically) they don't mind the afternoon kick-off and with it being homecoming and all the festivities you can pretty much bet that it will be a 1 or 2 o'clock kickoff.
mhl6493 said:
Hello, everyone! I'm new to the forum, and I was hoping I could tap into your collective wisdom concerning a question I have. My wife and I are planning on going to the Houston game on October 6. This will be our very first Alabama game, and we're excited about it! However, because of our circumstances, we really need for the game to be an early afternoon start time. If it's a 6:00 kick, we're going to have a hard time going. I notice that as of yet the time hasn't officially been announced. Do ya'll have any inside info? Or, what's your best guess about game time? I'd hate to go ahead and buy tickets to a game that I won't be able to go to!

Thanks, and Roll Tide!!!

Welcome to the site, mhl6493!
rammerjammer said:
Lenny is right.

Because TV games dictate what time kick-off is, it will likely be a pay-per view game. LSU and Florida play that day along with the UT-Georgia, South Carolina--UK, and Auburn-Vandy.

All of these are SEC match-ups that will take precedence over UA-Houston. Being the game is in October and weather is cooler (typically) they don't mind the afternoon kick-off and with it being homecoming and all the festivities you can pretty much bet that it will be a 1 or 2 o'clock kickoff.

Only one little problem with what you say. CBS is doing a DH with UT-UGA and UF-LSU, leaving only SC-UK and AU-VU for ESPN and ESPN2. We know that Bama is going to be 5-0, so if Houston comes in at 3-1, then our game may be more attractive than those two SEC leftovers.

252BAMA said:
rammerjammer said:
Lenny is right.

Because TV games dictate what time kick-off is, it will likely be a pay-per view game. LSU and Florida play that day along with the UT-Georgia, South Carolina--UK, and Auburn-Vandy.

All of these are SEC match-ups that will take precedence over UA-Houston. Being the game is in October and weather is cooler (typically) they don't mind the afternoon kick-off and with it being homecoming and all the festivities you can pretty much bet that it will be a 1 or 2 o'clock kickoff.

Only one little problem with what you say. CBS is doing a DH with UT-UGA and UF-LSU, leaving only SC-UK and AU-VU for ESPN and ESPN2. We know that Bama is going to be 5-0, so if Houston comes in at 3-1, then our game may be more attractive than those two SEC leftovers.


Coach Moore won't move the kickoff to night time. With pay-per-view, I don't think we have to share the TV revenue, do we?
252BAMA said:
rammerjammer said:
Lenny is right.

Because TV games dictate what time kick-off is, it will likely be a pay-per view game. LSU and Florida play that day along with the UT-Georgia, South Carolina--UK, and Auburn-Vandy.

All of these are SEC match-ups that will take precedence over UA-Houston. Being the game is in October and weather is cooler (typically) they don't mind the afternoon kick-off and with it being homecoming and all the festivities you can pretty much bet that it will be a 1 or 2 o'clock kickoff.

Only one little problem with what you say. CBS is doing a DH with UT-UGA and UF-LSU, leaving only SC-UK and AU-VU for ESPN and ESPN2. We know that Bama is going to be 5-0, so if Houston comes in at 3-1, then our game may be more attractive than those two SEC leftovers.


It could also be the Dave-cubed game, which would make it an 11:30 game.
It Takes Eleven said:
252BAMA said:
rammerjammer said:
Lenny is right.

Because TV games dictate what time kick-off is, it will likely be a pay-per view game. LSU and Florida play that day along with the UT-Georgia, South Carolina--UK, and Auburn-Vandy.

All of these are SEC match-ups that will take precedence over UA-Houston. Being the game is in October and weather is cooler (typically) they don't mind the afternoon kick-off and with it being homecoming and all the festivities you can pretty much bet that it will be a 1 or 2 o'clock kickoff.

Only one little problem with what you say. CBS is doing a DH with UT-UGA and UF-LSU, leaving only SC-UK and AU-VU for ESPN and ESPN2. We know that Bama is going to be 5-0, so if Houston comes in at 3-1, then our game may be more attractive than those two SEC leftovers.


It could also be the Dave-cubed game, which would make it an 11:30 game.

mhl6493 seemed to be concerned only with a late start, so I hoped that can of worms would not be opened. But now that you have, I suppose we used our one "opt-out" for WCU, and we would be subject to that.
Thanks, everyone, for all of your replies. They've been very helpful.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of an 11:30 Lincoln Financial kickoff. That wouldn't present as many problems for us as the 6:00 time would, but it still wouldn't be ideal.

Do you have any idea, based on past experience, when the networks will firm all this up and we might know for sure when the game time will be?

Thanks again for your input!
mhl6493 said:
Thanks, everyone, for all of your replies. They've been very helpful.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of an 11:30 Lincoln Financial kickoff. That wouldn't present as many problems for us as the 6:00 time would, but it still wouldn't be ideal.

Do you have any idea, based on past experience, when the networks will firm all this up and we might know for sure when the game time will be?

Thanks again for your input!

Averages about 2 weeks out, but can be as late as 1 week before.
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