| NEWS Here's what college football will look like in 2026

Ain't gonna happen. Although schools/teams are focused on generating $$$, the existing conferences are focused on keeping the conferences and the "lesser" teams. The big teams within the conference, for the most part, will also look out for the little guys.
Me likey.

As for the likelihood of it ... I wouldn't dismiss it as fast as a couple already have. The internet is driving down the cost of learning and is drastically reshaping the concept of education, both secondary and post-secondary. If you follow the money, wealth is being concentrated and consolidated in ways which will only encourage disparity between "top" programs and the rest. Then you have the head trauma risk becoming unavoidable. The health risks will finally be the final straw to lead to the compensation of college players. And as we know, very few schools/conferences can even consider that.

So I think something of this sort is coming inevitably. And I welcome it.
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