Only a one-dimensional, emotion-driven simpleton OR an over-compensated, pseudo-journalist would magnify and misconstrue Nick Saban’s historical references into an overblown media crucifixion. These examples were obviously used to illustrate the epiphanous effects adversity can have on would-be champions. Real champions are the ones who have learned from their mistakes and make the commitment to persevere and overcome. Kudos to Nick Saban for attempting to teach his players life’s hard lessons.
As I watch this show, I have to ask myself: In this situation, who should I respect, or in other words, with whom would I side? A man who puts it all on the line to illuminate the fact that we are continuing to allow spoiled children grow to into adults without teaching them to be men OR men who are paid far too much money to sit on their ample bottoms and criticize the inspired efforts of others?
The coverage of Nick Saban’s comments equates to little more than a ratings-driven hype strategy derived by double digit IQ windbags who are motivated by nothing more than the sustenance of their undeserved, excessive salaries.
I cannot believe my husband watches this show!