Your last point about respect for the office of the president is spot on. I admit, I never called Obama, "President Obama", made a point not to because the guy stood for about everything I'm against. BUT, I never wished or voiced any harm for him or his family, I never wanted the country or him to fail so I could say I was right. I was hoping he'd prove us all wrong. With Trump, you just get hate on another level to where physical harm is being applauded and encouraged. People refuse to let him do his job. It's a disgrace. People are no longer willing to accept a loss and move on to the next opportunity. Vengence and jealousy are the words I would use to express most of what's going on.
See this is the type of thing that really gets under my skin... before I rant, I agree with most of the sentiment for people lacking respect for offices AND for the people holding offices not having much respect. We literally just saw a "leader" ASSAULT a journalist because he didnt like being asked a tough question. I myself recently was told to "shut up" by a politician because I asked a question she didn't like and was "escorted" out of the room. Only difference is no one will mostly every hear about it for reasons...
But as far as your Obama thing, you're are talking with some extremely rose colored glasses there. Have you ever heard of Obama Derangement Syndrome? Yeah that wasn't coined for the hell of it. There were people that literally said he was the Antichrist and said that he would cause the rapture. Protesters holding up effigies of Obama being burned or hung, freaking SIGNS in towns that read "THAT N****R IS NOT MY PRESIDENT." Lets not forget the claims that he was a "secret gay muslim" or that he wasn't even American. May I point out that Donald Trump was the ultimate birther and hung out to that lie for literally years (and by the way his son-in-law admitted at one point to Trump never believing that but doing it because he knew Republicans were so dumb that they would eat it up. Kushner's words not mine). And you claim you get hate to a psychical harm level with Trump, who has attempted to harm Trump? A man literally SHOT into the white house at Obama. And your whole "not willing to accept a loss" thing is even more funny. How many thousands of people signed petitions for their states to secede from the govt because Obama won? For months saying that he "stole" the election (sound familiar?). And as far as "wont let him do his job." The republicans for 8 years spent their time doing nothing except being obstructionists, they would be for something and then when Obama backed it completely be against it. You want to pretend like somehow all this obstruction and hate was invented the minute the guy that looks like a Cheeto took office..
And you dont have to like the president, agree with him or even respect him. Wishing death on someone (which trust me I've seen plenty of from people I used to respect from both sides over the last 10 years) and def. acting on it means you've done more to the side you're trying to be for than hurt.
Now, I'm done with this thing. This guy is a piece of shit (the shooter) and yall can shred me to pieces like usual because I'm the local "snowflake liberal" and nobody on here wants to hear that side... I'll just sit here and wait for Impeachment