Golf Facility


@TerryP figured you were the man to ask about this. My wifeand I were speaking and she asked if "any college golf teams had their own course". I responded no due to cost, upkeep, and space. Then I see this post and started second guessing my logic. I told her they practice at local courses and such, but this appears to be Alabama's very own. Are there others out there for sole use of the University?
Are there others out there for sole use of the University?
I don't know. I'd imagine there's something worked out between UA and some of the other courses. I can't imagine a place like Indian Hills saying "no." I have my doubts about North River as well. I mean, hell. I'd bet any number of members would quickly call them a guest. What is it, Woodland Hills? On the other side of Skyland from campus...those folks up there were pretty weird in my time in Tuscaloosa. I don't know about The Links ...

This will make the third 'course' Bama has had as its home course since I was in my undergrad years. Unless something has changed, the new one is only nine. They'll continue playing Ol' Colony.
I don't know. I'd imagine there's something worked out between UA and some of the other courses. I can't imagine a place like Indian Hills saying "no." I have my doubts about North River as well. I mean, hell. I'd bet any number of members would quickly call them a guest. What is it, Woodland Hills? On the other side of Skyland from campus...those folks up there were pretty weird in my time in Tuscaloosa. I don't know about The Links ...

This will make the third 'course' Bama has had as its home course since I was in my undergrad years. Unless something has changed, the new one is only nine. They'll continue playing Ol' Colony.

I meant does any college have their own course? Like it's a course that only the university uses, not members or the public.
I meant does any college have their own course? Like it's a course that only the university uses, not members or the public.
As in any other outside of UA? Yes.

Since OU is coming in their course is Jimmie Austin OU Golf Club. They have a great location; right on the edge of campus (IE: if Bama played on the Bryce property.) I've played that course a half of a dozen times, or more. The NCAA regionals were held there last year.

The same time I was playing that one I shot over to Stillwater and played Okie State's course, Karsten Creek. I've seen Auburn University Club; didn't play. UofSC plays at Cobblestone Park. Fun track.
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