| CURRENT EVENTS "Get your kids out of public/government schools."

So here's what I believe:

I believe that there IS racism. But I also know that it isn't just one way. Any race can be racist towards any other race. Racism isn't only when a white person is racist towards a black person. Black people can be, and are, racist against white people. And any other race can be racist towards any other race; even one the same as their own.

I believe that ALL lives matter; not just black, or white, or Japanese, or Russian, or Jewish, or South African, or Mongolian, etc. I don't give a shit if you're white, black, African, Mexican, Japanese, etc., if you're a shitty person, I'm going to call you out on it. And I'm not doing it simply because of the color of your skin or your nationality or where you come from. I'm doing it because you're being a shitty person.

And I believe that there is systemic racism. And Liberals are the biggest perpetrators of such racism.

I also believe that she eats too damn much. Those are some big-ass ham-hands she's got, there.
There is racism and if you didn't grow up with it then you have no idea what it's like. One of my friends that happens to be black is also one of our vendors. For over 30 years she has been with us. She has had a son that will be going to the air force academy.
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