| FTBL Gameday Radios Review


Verified Member
Just wanted to give everyone an update on these radios that have the game broadcast without delay. I used mine at the game Saturday and it worked perfect. I would definitely recommend this product. I've went to every game for the past 3 years and was never the type guy to carry a radio but this thing is so portable and fits in one ear so you can still talk to people. The broadcast doesn't have a delay and I got some much useful information by listening to the broadcast (example: i knew fairly quickly that Andre's injury didn't look serious..that's great to be able to know that info quickly) The radio has a closed circuit setting with the gameday broadcast and a fm radio setting for normal channels. Anyway..not trying to pimp these radios just wanted to give a review. I know they were selling them at the game for $20 but I'm not sure if they'll be selling them at the Tulane game or not..probably so. You can still get them at www.livesportsradio.com
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