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I'm a member of rivals (kind of anyway, lol) but the staff here are on top of things and if I wasn't a rivals member (again, a half-member lol), I would be just fine.

Basically, I wouldn't pay for the content when I can get it here.
What's so great about this site is its people. I am talking about you ladies and gentlemen who decided to give us a try and stayed with us. When we all first started here, there were more staff members than members or so it seemed and we got tired of talking with each other those first couple of months. The posters here bring so much intangible value here.

I too respect my "co-workers" here as every single one of them bring a unique talent from image designers, my fellow writers and Moderators to the recruiting gurus. We have great guys covering the basketball team which promises to have an interesting season in 2008-09. I also give a tip of the hat to the Administrators here who gives us all the tools we need to have this place and come chat about Alabama. I can assure you guys that have not had the pleasure of meeting some of these folks that they are nothing but top notch. I have gotten to know Bama1966 and Porkchop quite well through the years and you couldn't have better friends anywhere.

Bottom line, just a shout out to everyone here. You all make this place what it is. Like Factor alluded to, we all have ownership here and Kirk wouldn't have it any other way.

PS...It's a lot more fun hanging around this year while the Tide is rolling!
Great site guys, I've hopped on here after CNS was hired and I required more information for our beloved Tide. It's been a great ~ 2 years. This has been the first message board I've been really active on (IE not a lurker), and I have to say I'm extremely glad I picked yall. Especially after viewing a view of our rival boards and some other Bama boards. Everyone here is level headed, rational, and can carry a conversation with out OMG YUR GuyS R SuxORS!1!

To summarize, thanks.
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