| CURRENT EVENTS For a F-35 to have "disappeared" within a few minutes from here there's a surprisingly lack of military air traffic.

Two hours by car or F-35? That could be Green Bay...
About 15 minutes SE of Lake City...roughly an hour and fifteen minutes from here; an hour and a half from the base. A mos 92 guy (works with Airdrops) told me last night their concern was all about the payload (understandable.) They found the plane several hours before releasing the news.

It's been within the last year that I saw the first F-35. I was working in my back yard and heard the two planes, looked up and realized "that's new." It was a month or so later when I saw the second group: there were five pairs that day evidently headed to Shaw.
Sounds like the transponder is not working.
I had the same thought which led me to wondering about the air support coming out of the base; where was it? That would seem to be the first logical move; look from the air.

The press release said, "ground to air" support which I thought was peculiar.

A lot of farming land in that area...probably 50/50 woods to farming lands.

Google tells me it would take six hours to bike there. The longest I've done this year is three...so, not today. :devilish:
2 things, the pilot ejected and the plane flew on autopilot, Why did he eject? They usually shut down air traffic around the possible area of where the plane goes down if it is stateside. I have been a part of a search and rescue while I was in the military in 92. Our Squadron lost a plane in the Olympic Peninsula. It was a bitch to recover. Behind the scenes, the Military will NEVER let you know what the real problem is immediately. They will publish a report in the far future when everyone forgets about it.
Rick and bubba had a good discussion on this.
They are saying the jet was hacked… but the mockingbird media will not report this
It's been said that there was concern over whether it could be hacked...it was developed to fly pilotless, so it can be remote equipment.

The "world is ending, civil war is in our midst, the dollar is worthless, Russia has been wronged, buy gold from our retail outlet" media has pushed the hacked story. Not true, but if it fits your narrative, scream it from the closest minaret...
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