| FTBL Florida State Football season ticket sales facing major swoon in 2019

Florida State's football season ticket sales, which have been declining every year since 2014, have slid into a free fall this offseason and will cost the Seminoles' fiscally challenged athletics department several million dollars.

According to numbers obtained by Warchant.com through a public records request, FSU is in danger of selling less than 25,000 of a possible 40,000 "main bowl" season tickets for the 2019 season. (Those numbers do not include tickets sold in suites or the Champions Club -- although those numbers appear to be tracking downward as well.)

If FSU finishes with 25,000 or less as expected, that would mean a drop of more than 7,000 season tickets --- more than 20 percent -- from last season's total, which already was the worst in several years.

With most season tickets selling for $330 apiece, that's a reduction in revenue of well over $2 million. And that doesn't include the millions of dollars in lost booster contributions, which are required to purchase those tickets, as well as residual losses in concessions and other game-day sales.

While daunting, the dropoff has not caught Florida State officials by surprise. The Seminoles are coming off of back-to-back sub-par seasons (7-6 in 2017 and 5-7 in 2018), and they've got a less-than-desirable home schedule this fall.

"It's a reflection of the last two or three seasons we've had, the schedule we have at home, and the attitude of this generation between 20 and 40 about going to live sporting events," FSU athletics director David Coburn told Warchant in a recent interview.

Indeed, season ticket sales are falling across college football, but Florida State's issues are exacerbated by the recent struggles on the field and the lack of marquee opponents coming to Doak Campbell Stadium, particularly in odd-numbered years when FSU plays rival Florida and Clemson on the road.

FSU's home schedule this year features non-conference games against Louisiana-Monroe and Alabama State, and ACC games against Louisville, N.C. State, Syracuse and Miami.

Coburn, who is in his first year in the position, is working to improve the non-conference scheduling for the future. The Seminoles recently announced a blockbuster home-and-home series with the University of Georgia in 2027-28, and FSU also will host Notre Dame in 2021.

But neither of those will help right now.

To gain a clearer understanding of FSU's ticket woes, Warchant requested a snapshot of where season ticket sales stood on May 1 in each of the past five years.

As of May 1, 2019, Florida State had sold 23,424 season tickets for the main bowl. That means more than 40 percent of the 40,000 available season tickets were still available.

While that number will rise somewhat as the season approaches, history indicates that it won't increase by much. On May 1 of 2018, FSU had sold 31,111 season tickets; it finished that year with 32,030. One year earlier, the Seminoles sold 33,243 by May 1 and finished with 34,600.

So even reaching 25,000 season tickets this year could be tough.

Florida State season ticket sales

Season ticket sales (main bowl)Sales as of May 1 (main bowl)Champions Club season ticket sales

Sales as of May 8, 2019.

Not surprisingly, Florida State's season ticket sales have fallen each year since 2014, when the Seminoles sold their entire 45,000-seat allotment following the '13 national championship season. That was FSU's first season ticket sellout since 2003.

The "main bowl" season ticket block was reduced to 40,000 when the new Champions Club was unveiled in 2016, but even that luxury area appears to be trending in the wrong direction after posting gains each of the past two years. Champions Club sales went from 2,971 in the inaugural season to 3,197 and 3,404 in subsequent years. As of early May this year, they were at 2,752.

While the losses in season ticket revenue are substantial, the Seminoles also are expected take a major hit in individual-game ticket sales because there are so few marquee matchups. Miami is the only high-profile program on the home schedule, and the Hurricanes don't bring close to as many fans as Florida and Clemson will in even-numbered years.

According to FSU's planned budget for the coming year, the Seminoles are projecting a decrease of more than $8 million in overall football ticket revenue -- from over $23 million to around $15 million.

Coburn said the Seminoles are hoping to offset some of those losses with money they make from their season opener against Boise State in Jacksonville.

Because of the way that deal is structured -- it originally was a Florida State home game -- the Seminoles are hoping to profit more that than they would from a normal game at Doak.

"Jacksonville tickets are going pretty well, and we hope to make up some ground, budget-wise, there," Coburn said.

What's not factored into any of these numbers, however, is the financial hit Seminole Boosters Inc., will take to its annual fund, which is largely dependent on season tickets sales. Most seats require an annual donation to Boosters of $100 to $500 -- and much more if a person hopes to buy several seats together.

Earlier this year, Coburn sent a personal letter to boosters and season-ticket holders asking them to step up and support the program during this tough stretch.

When speaking with Warchant late last week, Coburn stressed the same message.

"We've got to continue to work at selling tickets and attracting boosters back into the organization," Coburn said. "We need to convince our supporters that we need them now more than ever. Even if they're not going to buy tickets, they still need to stay with the boosters and help us."
Dollar to a doughnut, Bama will face this when Saban retires. Probably not this extreme, but there will be a fall off. It kind of surprises me that they are not going ahead with the big screen idea and stadium size decrease. That would alleviate some of it.

Since the inception of the SEC network and all games being on TV, it is really hard for a lot of folks to justify spending the money and dealing with the hassle of parking/traffic/late game, etc. I have several friends in recent years drop their Tide Pride.
@utstnx @rammerjammer
Right. Doesn't have to be major fallout
Of course anything will be less than nick
But the BOT egos can screw things up
Perkins wasnt a bad choice. Just didn't like recruiting. Cared more for nfl

Do you think Perkins was feeling the pressure of trying to be like the Bear? I recall his quick start as our new HC. We were smoking our opponents and after 4 games he commented out loud that coaching college football was easy. Then came Penn State and Tennessee and we lose to both. He finishes the year 8-4, which also included a loss to the barners. Quick translation: winning in college football not really that easy.

I just felt when Perkins left he could see the writing on the wall.
I just felt when Perkins left he could see the writing on the wall.
There were a few reasons he ended up in Tampa. One, the money Culverhouse was offering. Two, a segment of the boosters/alumni didn't like what they were seeing. Losing winnable games, quick starts like you mentioned and then a sharp downturn.

That said, there were some good things that came out of his tenure as well. Quite a few changes/updates came under his watch with the facilities. The indoor practice facility was built was one of the bigger ones.
There were a few reasons he ended up in Tampa. One, the money Culverhouse was offering. Two, a segment of the boosters/alumni didn't like what they were seeing. Losing winnable games, quick starts like you mentioned and then a sharp downturn.

That said, there were some good things that came out of his tenure as well. Quite a few changes/updates came under his watch with the facilities. The indoor practice facility was built was one of the bigger ones.

Looking back, we all play the what IF game. IF coach Bryant could have just convinced Pat Dye to stick around. Instead, he takes his act, wishbone, Bama players and coaches and becomes Alabama East. Dye had Bama legacy players running to the barn. And what IF the morons running the Crimson ship after Perkins departure had taken Bobby Bowden just a little more seriously?
Or if Stallings would have replaced BEAR.......
I dont know....Perk was adjusting from nfl...
Pissed off a lot of people....was really a jerk...
But was building a program...took BEARs tower down....
I think he didnt adjust well to being in BEARs shadows....
Had some talent.....
I think Bowden was more in line after Perk left....whenCurry was hired...
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