šŸˆ First team L-backers : day 1

I hope we have some D-linemen that can free up the LB's this year. In other words we have a great "PUSH" up front, and put pressure on the QB and RB from our D-line let the LB's do the hitting.
Optimus said:
I hope we have some D-linemen that can free up the LB's this year. In other words we have a great "PUSH" up front, and put pressure on the QB and RB from our D-line let the LB's do the hitting.

This is why the NT is so important in our defensive scheme the next few years. It isn't so much centered around getting a push up the middle with the battle between the NT and the C & G's, but having a nose tackle that will require at least a double team that'll free up our ends to get in the backfield.

One of the things that attracted the staff to Cody was the opposing offenses in JUCO had to double team him all the time. Some of those teams even triple teamed him.

It's about clogging up the middle, not so much about pushing through the middle.
BamaFan615 said:
I think Jimmy Johns' biggest problem has been that he gets a hot head, and in the heat of the moment he reacts, instead of thinking his way through it. I seriously think that if he can learn this defense he can be a serious contributor...All-American might be stretching it, but I do think he can be a heck of a player if he can keep his head on straight, and stay focused on what he needs to do to help this team get better.

I don't know if I am reading correctly what people's thoughts are on JJ, if that is the case go to the next post. :lol:

JJ not seeing a lot of playing time last year wasn't due to not understanding his role on the field. Granted, we saw him yanked once when he fumbled. My thought there reflects to what follows.

JJ's problems last year weren't new to JJ. They were overlooked by Shula (even though he was suspended a few times) and not tolerated by Saban. The proverbial dog house, you know?

By all accounts from those adults that have spent time around him he's a very respectable young man. But, being a respectful young man and doing the things required within University guidelines and team rules are two different things. What he failed to grasp last year is the things he got away with under Shula he couldn't get away with under Saban. He was given every opportunity, but missed the target completely...not a chance he was close to the bull-eye.

As the season progressed so did he...but with every step or two forward he took a step or two backwards with his actions. This isn't on the field stuff, but some of the mistakes we saw on the field fall into the same category. Discipline.

NOW, as to how easy it is for him to grasp the fundamentals of the ILB position I don't see that as a huge learning curve. In his HS days as a QB it was his responsibility to read defenses. The differences now are they are a little more advanced, but still the essence is the same. That said, his role as RB was also reading defenses. I mention both of those because in those situations he was required to study film and study defenses. This will not be new to him.

Now, much like has been mentioned, it's coming down to understanding the fundamentals of an ILB position. He's not going to be the primary play/set caller, that'll remain with RM. It's about understanding the angles, pushing off and around the run blockers and getting to the ball.

IF you consider that, and then consider his time on special teams where he had to do things very similar, you can see where there is a great possibility for him to contribute and be a great value to this defense.

I think a lot of times people forget about how "bad" our LB situation was last year around this time. We had a converted WR (Zeke), a backup DE trying to convert to LB (Saunders), a true freshman (McClain) and a former walk on from MTSU (Mustain).

With this being said, I think that our coaching staff did a GREAT job of molding them in to a unit, and I think we are in better shape as of right now, than we were at this time last year. Especially when you think about the freshman that we are about to bring in.

Numbers wise, after spring camp, I see us about the same. But, I tend to agree with you on "being in better shape" because we'll have a few of the guys that will have been in the system for a two spring and fall camps plus a years experience during the season.

We need a solid rotation of 8. I think JJ will fit into that 8 along with Williams and McClain. That leaves...

J. Hester
A. Watkins
C. Higgenbotham
C. Kirschman
E. Anders
C. Reamer...

Point is this. We'll have one returning starter. That's better than last year. I also firmly suspect we'll see 2-3 of the incoming freshman with significant playing time.
Depth chart as I see it today...I've included Zeke even though he's a totally unknown situation right now.

47 Ezekial Knight
13 Cory Reamer
32 Eryk Anders

55 Chavis Williams
35 Charlie Kirschman
91 Alex Watkins

25 Rolando McClain
45 C. Higgenbotham
59 Alex Benson

10 Jimmy Johns
42 Jennings Hester
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