| FTBL First game experience


Verified Member
OK guys, tomorrow will be my first chance EVER to go to a Bama game. What time do I need to get there, where do I need to go, what do I need to make sure to see.

Where is the best place to park, any other "need to know" things to make sure this day is as great as it possibly can be?
Get there early...atleast 3 hrs before kickoff....Go to the quad (the best gameday atmosphere here) Alot of great places to eat...Def go to the walk of champions.
This will answer most of the initial questions http://uagameday.com/football/

Can't believe this is your first game ever :shock: . This game will not be as exciting as the bigger opposing teams but it should be a good time for sure, especially being your first game.

As mentioned, if you like to see CNS and all the players getting off the bus and heading into BDS, be sure to check out the walk of champions. I think they do it around two hours before kickoff. You will see the line forming much before then so get there early if you want a good vantage spot.

Definitely go walk around the quad and take in the atmosphere. Be sure to check out some of the Tides previous players and legends at 11:00 in the Quad http://www.crimsontusks.com/about25313.html&highlight=legends.

Also they are doing a UA seniors celebration before kickoff, I believe, so you might want to check that out as well.

Have fun and roll tide!
You're finally getting to go huh Shea? :) Good deal.

Yeah make sure you get there early. I usually enjoy walking around more than sitting still in a location, but that's me. Make sure you check out the Quad, hit some of the coffee shops, eat at one of the restaurants if you have time. Enjoy it.
I asked the same question about parking on this forum earlier this year before attending my first Bama game ever (Houston), and received a lot of great advice. We wound up parking at Central High School on the corner of 15th and 10th Streets. It only cost $10, there were restrooms on site, it seemed relatively secure, and it wasn't all that far to the stadium. I'd HIGHLY recommend it! My wife and I are planning on being there for the game tomorrow as well.
I've always parked on Campus drive when I traveled to T-town. It's easy in and out most of the time but the biggest reason I've chosen that spot is because it allows me to walk through the campus on the way to the stadium. Getting there 3-4 hours early will allow you to park in a space that's easy to get out of and in the line of traffic if you are leaving town early.

Of course, this is probably a little late considering it's Sat. AM.
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