| FOOD Favorite Beers thread


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What's some of your favorite beers? Being more of a whiskey guy, I don't drink a lot of beer, but if I had to go with one at a bar, I would say Sweet Water Blue

Wheat beers. Also had a good sour beer a few months ago @ Karl Strauss in San Diego - their 24th Anniversary brew.

Curious, have any of you had a spicy beer... I love spicy food, but spicy beer I'm not a fan of.
Depends on what time of year it is, for me. But never anything really hoppy. I prefer a more malty taste, in the Belgian style, so I struggle in the summer because they're so damn heavy.

I found one I like last week, Golden Monkey by Victory Brewing. It's got some spice to it, plano. Not "hot" spice, but enough to keep you interested. I like it a lot. I think it's relatively widely available.
I'm a big fan of wheat beers. Blue Moon, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, UFO has a good wheat ale, Shock Top all have good wheat beers.

As far as spicy, Sam Adams made a Red Stoney Ale that is almost like a wine. It is spicy, but not heat spicy, more like a cooking spice. It was odd, but not in a bad way. Not really anything to drink with a meal. Might could do a salad with it, but not much else.

Locally Avondale and Good People make good stuff. Riz, I'm with you on the hoppy stuff. Not a fan of the IPA's, bitter. It always tastes like grapefruit juice.
I like about all things Sam Adams. Got one I replace water with when we go to Destin. Shock Top Lemon Shandy. Kinda like Riz in that I don't relish really hoppy beers.

After almost 52 yearson this mud ball, I discovered Jameson Irish Whiskey last year. I may never drink scotch again
I like about all things Sam Adams. Got one I replace water with when we go to Destin. Shock Top Lemon Shandy. Kinda like Riz in that I don't relish really hoppy beers.

After almost 52 yearson this mud ball, I discovered Jameson Irish Whiskey last year. I may never drink scotch again

I usually get the Apple Cider if I'm drinking some Sam Adams. Very good stuff.
I drink all kinds of beers. Depends on the mood and season. I didn't drink beer at all until 2007 wen I started drinking SweetWater brews here in Atlanta. Now when I goto another town I love trying their local brews.
Hey if anyone is looking for cider, Woodchuck has a sample case out now (I'm in PA, we buy by the case) and it has 4 kinds, they are all fantastic. I'm trying to limit my wheat/grain intake for health reasons, so I've been drinking hard cider instead if my favorite Blue Moon; love it. This Woodchuck is better than the Angry Orchard I've had at my local bar.
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