We were looking for the barn game Saturday while waiting for our game, and found that it was blacked out because it wasn't a sell out.That brought a (crocodile) tear to old PJ's eyes.
psychojoe said:
Isn't our game going to be on ESPN Gameplan?

It is and I think a game has to be on GamePlan to be on 360. 360 is just simulcasting GamePlan on the internet. That's why Charter, Comcast, Knowlogy, and any other ISPs who also are in the cable TV business won't offer 360. It would cost them a lot of PPV dollars to offer it.
I have AT&T and tested it this weekend with one of the games that was being carried on ESPN. I had to install a plugin, but it worked fine. The only big drawback was that there was about a two minute delay between the live broadcast and the 360 feed.


We have sucky Charter, so we get what they allow us to see. Does anyone see anything inherently wrong with having only cable provider in a major metro area? Sure, Birmingham metro has more than one choice, but depending on where you live EXACTLY, you still have only one choice. No ESPN 360 for us.

It's all about $$$$$.
rammajamma said:
Well I have AT and T so I am going to try to get it online first and then I will get it PPV through Dish if I can't see it.

You can test it now. They have all the games from last weekend archived on the site, so if you can watch one of those games, you shouldn't have any issues on Saturday.
psychojoe said:
We were looking for the barn game Saturday while waiting for our game, and found that it was blacked out because it wasn't a sell out.That brought a (crocodile) tear to old PJ's eyes.

Due to a glitch with my Sat, I had to watch the Bama game on 360. Pretty good other than the delay, but I wasn't watching it or listening to it anywhere else so no problem. The Barn game was on 360 also. I'll be watching the Tulane game on it also to avoid the PPV charge.
ExiledTidefan said:
We have sucky Charter, so we get what they allow us to see. Does anyone see anything inherently wrong with having only cable provider in a major metro area? Sure, Birmingham metro has more than one choice, but depending on where you live EXACTLY, you still have only one choice. No ESPN 360 for us.

It's all about $$$$$.

I live in Pelham as well. Charter's poor service in this area and others led us to swithch to AT&T for internet and Direct TV.
The 360 is pretty sweet. Just got it loaded up on two of my computers. Quality is pretty good. Works well on my wireless laptop as well. Gotta' go to Wal-Mart and get a S-Video cord and hook the laptop to my 54.If the video quality is as good as PPV I'll buy beer with that money. :D
RollTideRandy said:
psychojoe said:
Isn't our game going to be on ESPN Gameplan?

It is and I think a game has to be on GamePlan to be on 360. 360 is just simulcasting GamePlan on the internet. That's why Charter, Comcast, Knowlogy, and any other ISPs who also are in the cable TV business won't offer 360. It would cost them a lot of PPV dollars to offer it.

It doesn't have to be on GamePlan. I've watched our replay twice on 360 which was a national ABC broadcast.
Bamsambo said:
The 360 is pretty sweet. Just got it loaded up on two of my computers. Quality is pretty good. Works well on my wireless laptop as well. Gotta' go to Wal-Mart and get a S-Video cord and hook the laptop to my 54.If the video quality is as good as PPV I'll buy beer with that money. :D

That's what I've done, and the video has been just fine for me. I could tell a difference between the HD and regular signal of course...but the HD worked great for Sat. night's game.
TerryP said:
RollTideRandy said:
psychojoe said:
Isn't our game going to be on ESPN Gameplan?

It is and I think a game has to be on GamePlan to be on 360. 360 is just simulcasting GamePlan on the internet. That's why Charter, Comcast, Knowlogy, and any other ISPs who also are in the cable TV business won't offer 360. It would cost them a lot of PPV dollars to offer it.

It doesn't have to be on GamePlan. I've watched our replay twice on 360 which was a national ABC broadcast.

Not a big deal, but I just want to point out that if you live in the area of the country that got the Mich St - Cal game Saturday, then Bama-Clemson was on GamePlan. I'm just saying that a game has to be on ABC, ESPN, or GamePlan to be on 360. You won't find NBC or CBS games there.
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