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Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
If that is the case, then I would like to request a "make fun of the Barn" forum in addition to a food forum. It is too much fun to not talk about.

Well, there is an "Elephant Stomp" forum, which is fitting considering we will be stomping them in a matter of weeks.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
If that is the case, then I would like to request a "make fun of the Barn" forum in addition to a food forum. It is too much fun to not talk about.

FWIW, that's where the majority of the threads dealing with Auburn are...the Elephant Stomp/Fark Zone.
Good post, though I can't say I'm not guilty for throwing in a jab at Auburn on the Bama football forum from time to time. :lol:

I'll try to be more aware.
I like this guy and his vids. :lol:

However I don't understand why people get bent over AU threads being posted on this forum. The mods do a good job of moving it to the smack section eventually but I do agree that they do linger around in the UA football section a little too much. That section should be all UA all the time, or as "clean" as it can be IMHO.

But my point is not that people are complaining its in the wrong section. It's that people are complaining we're talking about AU football on this forum. I don't have to explain why these AU threads exist as its pretty easy to understand. Just move them and if you don't like them, then don't read them. It's pretty easy.

I hope my post doesn't piss off any members, mods, admins or writers as its not my intentions AT ALL but like it or not, Alabama football will always have Auburn involved in it. Just the way it is. Rather than try to curve the appetite for people loathing over AU's downward spiral, just move any and all rival related threads to the smack section and let it be.

My .02

I'm speaking for myself here. I understand watching other teams in the SEC; I do that. I understand talking about how other teams in the SEC are doing as well. I do that also.

The one thing I've never liked in the entire time message boards were a part of the Internet (geez, going back to the early 90's in its infant form) is one teams message forum consisting of 50% of the posts about another team.

I just glanced at a few forums an hour or so ago and saw some Bama forums that 25%+ threads dealing with the WVU game and what was happening at that other school.

Just as a side note...

Last night, during the Hey Coach show, the guys announced the Auburn score and a lot of the crowd cheered about it. I doubt if Coach Saban blinked, much less acknowledged the announcement.

A happy medium is what I like to see...

Again, that's just my point of view...
I understand your view and agree with it. As you know, the internet breeds all sorts of things. I can only imagine what things will be like in 20 years.

I think the things for Bama fans is that we went thur so much and had to hear it all to what seemed like no end. I think a lot are just enjoying our moment in the sun as well as getting icing on the cake by seeing AU sink like a brick. So it is almost overwelming to take in both UA's success (most thought 09 was the year as did I) and discuss on AU on a message board. Afterall, if any UA fan goes to a AU board to talk about AU football, you'll immediately get flamed even if you're not being insulting and genuinely want to discuss the issues down there. So many UA fans talk amongst ourselves as its really the only place to do it and enjoy it without getting flamed.

I agree with you and see it on message boards a lot. I imagine its the same on BOL as well but I wouldn't know as I don't believe in paying rivals (or anyone else) to read a message board or get stats. But let the smack forum be what it is and hopefully we can manage to keep our forum pruned from looking like we're lusting over AU program more than our own.

I guess my point in my ranting is to hopefully say we should have the liberty to discuss about it, so long as its in the appropriate place and not liter our own section. If the majority of the threads made it in the smack forum quickly, I don't think as many people would notice or care about it as much. People go into the smack forum knowing what is in there ahead of clicking the button so it shouldn't be any surprise to see many threads on AU, other rival schools/fans, etc. in there.

I don't want to come across stepping on anyones toes so if I do, please forgive me as its not my intention. I value VERY much what you all put into this forum and the blog site. This is my favorite Alabama sports forum and website.

Here's to hoping we stomp a hole in the Vols tomorrow!! RTR a$#
I guess my point in my ranting is to hopefully say we should have the liberty to discuss about it, so long as its in the appropriate place and not liter our own section.

This is the main issue. It doesn't bother me in the least to open the football forum and see a WVU/AU thread, when it's the major game on a Thursday night. Most of us are watching it so there it doesn't hurt to have a thread talking about it. BUT, when I open the Alabama football forum and see 60% of the threads on the first page is Auburn football, well, it's time to merge into the smack forum.

I will say though, that it is much worse on other Bama boards and we rarely have a problem with it.
bammer1684 said:
Guilty here also! It is almost like a drug though and I just can't quit it.

Trust me, you aren't the only person enjoying seeing AU getting it handed to them on a weekly basis. I frequent AUnation just for reading pleasure. :lol: :lol:
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