| CURRENT EVENTS Elections 2020: Who will win?

Who wins the 2020 presidential election?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
Not who do you want to win, but who do you honestly believe will win? You're welcome to explain your reasoning, or even change your answer before Election Day if you so choose. I'm curious to see the opinions/educated guesses of those on here that follow the polling and such closer than I do.

As of now, I think Trump has some momentum (and IMO, the silent Trump voters all across the country is a very real thing), but I believe the media push behind Biden and some of the mail in shenanigans (in places like Philly) will be too much to overcome.

What say you?
I don't like either of these idiots. 52 million absentee ballots have already been cast, which is a third of who voted in '16. Unless there is a significant chunk of GOP voters included in that, that probably bodes well for a man who is less coherent than Ozzy Osborne.
I can't imagine Biden getting elected if these e-mails, texts,and witness testimony with China and Russia are legitimate. No way he wins if they can prove this, very quickly.

That being said, I think Trump finds a way to win. The comment above said 1/3 of the votes from 2016 have been casts as absentee, but I don't think that means Biden has received them all. I honestly believe Trump has a silent majority that many fail to believe in, and that he pulls it out.
Harris wins.

Peggy Noonan's take on Harris:

For her part, vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris is, when on the trail, giddy. She’s dancing with drum lines and beginning rallies with “Wassup, Florida!” She’s throwing her head back and laughing a loud laugh, especially when nobody said anything funny. She’s the younger candidate going for the younger vote, and she’s going for a Happy Warrior vibe, but she’s coming across as insubstantial, frivolous. When she started to dance in the rain onstage, in Jacksonville, Fla., to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” it was embarrassing.

Apparently you’re not allowed to say these things because she’s a woman, and she’s doubling down on giddy because you’re not allowed to say them. I, however, take Ms. Blige’s advice to heart: I will not sweat it, I will be myself. Kamala Harris is running for vice president of the United States in an era of heightened and unending crisis. The world, which doubts our strength, our character and our class, is watching. If you can’t imitate gravity, could you at least try for seriousness? I hate the shallowness with which politics is now done, the absolute puerility of it. Do you? We’re on the losing side. The future is an endless loop of Barack Obama on “Between Two Ferns,” stamping on your face, forever.
I do believe the confused man and his socialist vp will win because of a corrupt election. Within 4 years we will have our first female socialist president and our economy will be in shambles.

If they push for a radical socialist agenda - for real, not in placating talk for the Bernie/Warren lovers - the beauty of the two year election cycle will swing the House and Senate back. If the Republicans maintain the Senate, it will be a muddle for four years. That's my view on it.
I think it will be like 2016, all hype and polls swaying towards Biden, then Trump will win it at the end. The bad thing about it, there will be riots.
I'm with you here. And, @Brandon Van de Graaff this comes under the "want" aspect of your original post.

I caught Frank Luntz this week talking about the polls and what they are reflecting today. His comment was "if Trump wins, all of our credibility is shot." He basically went on to say "the polling industry would be over." I don't believe that to be entirely true, but there is truth in there.

It's my view that the campaigning, and lack thereof, swings this to the current POTUS. If my math is correct, Biden has had four campaign 'rallies' in three states: one of them Delaware. On the other hand Trump has been in 10 battle ground states; 12 rallies. It's reminiscent of Hillary's campaign relying on polling data.

Campaign commercials are something that's caught my attention; especially locally. Locally, we have Graham being challenged by an African American candidate, Jamie Harrison. Every one of Harrison's local spots has featured senior citizens, female, and white. I've seen nothing from his campaign that targets the people who will actually vote for him; it's all "the old white women" upset with Graham.

It's an interesting choice the national media has before them today. On one hand they can begin to cover the story of Hunter. If they do so, they 'kill' the candidate of their choice. On the other hand, if they remain with their status quo they'll destroy their own credibility (more than they have already.) If Trump wins both are gone.

I saw a recent survey pointing to approval ratings with Trump among minorities. It's still rising. That, with the "silent majority,' pushes this one to "four more years."

If you want to frustrate the hell out of some people just agree with everything they say and remain with "I'm voting for my wallet."

That's me.
Kinda pathetic. He and his media cronies are every much part of the problem. They've fanned this fire for a long time now.

Many years ago I enjoyed his POV.

There is one side who has repeatedly said...burn it down.

Yep. For 4 years, all we have heard is "RESIST!" It was the left's battle cry when Trump won in 2016. Well, resisting has consequences sometimes, but especially when you're rebelling against society or resisting a police officer. Unfortunately, I'm afraid their behavior is about to be rewarded, though I really really hope I'm wrong. If so, I'll try to look for any positives that I can find, hope for the best, and go on with my life. I plan on being better off 4 years from now regardless who is POTUS, it'll just be more difficult with Biden, IMO.
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