| NEWS Earl Campbell on Texas: ’Have to have a black quarterback,’ cites Tua Tagovailoa, Jalen Hurts

Just heard a joke about race that reminds me of The Tyler Rose Statement.

A promiscuous young lady went to the doc because she was pregnant. The Doc knew her and asked did she know who the father was. She said its like this. When you eat a bowl of black beans, brown beans, or white beans, how do you know which one made you fart.
Someone probably needs to explain to CTE Earl where Samoa is located.

It is amusing how certain people on this site can literally "blame the libs" for any topic that ever comes up. Athlete says something stupid: the damn lib's fault. Sad. Baby.
Someone probably needs to explain to CTE Earl where Samoa is located.

It is amusing how certain people on this site can literally "blame the libs" for any topic that ever comes up. Athlete says something stupid: the damn lib's fault. Sad. Baby.

On issues such as this I'd say most people are more than justified in "blaming the libs" considering most useful idiots on the left are the ones who push this diatribe.
On issues such as this I'd say most people are more than justified in "blaming the libs" considering most useful idiots on the left are the ones who push this diatribe.

Yes blame "the libs" for something stupid someone who you have absolutely no clue what his political ideology is (or even if he has one). I guess its cool if I just blame conservatives whenever a hillbilly wearing a MAGA hat and a confederate flag shirt says some stupid shit like "black players aren't smart enough to play QB."
I gotta agree. Since it became fashionable to blame white men for all of society's perceived shortcomings, I look at liberals as enemies. They are the danger within.

Oh my God, you people make me want to slam my damn head through a wall. If your quest was to say something even more ignorant than Campbell you damn sure succeeded.
Anytime race is used as a weapon to advance an agenda it's dangerous. Earl saying that was no different than college professors telling this generation of white students that they're to blame for societies problems. It's all bs ... especially when most of those professors live in Lily white neighborhoods
“I don’t see Earl Campbell as a black man. I see Earl Campbell as a man. I have too much other stuff going on to be drilling on the black and white issue.” - the same Earl Campbell.

This is eerily similar hearing the guys from the NBA preach about their "wokeness" up until it affected them.
Oh my God, you people make me want to slam my damn head through a wall. If your quest was to say something even more ignorant than Campbell you damn sure succeeded.

Sorry if I disturbed you brother. The final acceptance of this has been delivered to me over the past 3 years. For you to ignore the hate for white males that is constantly spewed by leftists is akin to choosing to sticking your head in the sand.

Tua is Hawaiian.
I hate extremists on any side of ANYTHING. You just can’t reason with them!
Why can’t we just be people? Not white people or black people. Just people!

Tua is actually Somoan. I agree with you on the race issues it is just a fact that with the left everything must be viewed through a racial lens. I have finally accepted the fact that I am hated simply becase I belong to the group that is the moral equivalent of Jews in Germany watching Hitlers' rise.
I am not offended with his comments, he has a right to say what he truly believes about the QB situation. With that said, if we are going to cry foul every time a white person makes a comment about a black person, we need to hold both accountable. We as Alabama fans and Americans are better than this IMO! The bottom line is to treat other folks, regardless of race, nationality, sexual preference, religion, age, etc... like we want to be treated ourselves. This is 2019, as the old Sunday School song states, its time for "red and yellow, black and white" to treat people with respect and dignity. I do not have to agree with your stand because I have my own personal belief system but I should at the very least respect your opinion. Thank you rant over.
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