🏈 CRR to MI, rumors floating on Sexton talking to WVU, etc.

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shiloh said:

What a worthless post lol Saban to WVU, I guess they can dream.


After talking with Kirk and Keith I'm moving this back to this forum with one major caveat. If this thread goes on down the line of a "meltdown," it's going to go back to oblivion.

The link above is simply not correct. I moved to the staff forum for discussion based on one major principle. If we had someone place a thread on this forum that was a down-right lie about one of the Alabama staff, it would be removed immediately. Here we have a case akin to that...it's a blog where the sources quoted as confirming the story didn't.

IF there is any truth to this blog, it is the possibility that Sexton has been in contact with WVU. Why? Because Sexton is also the agent who represents Jimbo Fisher who is listed as one of 4 of 5 candidates they are going to talk with. (I'd like to see Terry Bowden there personally, but I digress.)

I've mention before, and it's worth mentioning again that there are a lot of people out there that, as fans, have it as their intent to create as many waves as possible concerning the changes we are seeing at the Capstone today. It was a launched, concerted effort by a large group of these people to create these waves at every given opportunity. It ticks me off knowing what they have as their movitivation.

Closing, as I've spoken with Keith and Kirk about in detail tonight, this is back and only as long as it remains a discussion.

Comments and concerns will gladly be addressed privately or publically.

I really hate to propagate rumor mongering, but here is one for y'all just in case your resident Barner decides to try and ruffle your feathers. At least you'll know what the deal is. Some people forget (forget purposefully, more than likely) that Jimmy Sexton represents approximately 2,373.76 NCAA coaches.

Rumor Mill
Saban's Agent Contacts West Virginia(merged)

Sources close to University President Mike Garrison have informed WBGV that Nick Saban’s agent has contacted WVU regarding our vacant head-coaching position.

These sources tell us that Saban is extremely unhappy in Tuscaloosa and has failed to recapture the situation he had in Baton Rouge with LSU. The purpose of the agent’s call was to express initial interest in the position and to have WVU athletics put together a compensation package enough to lure Saban from Alabama. This package would not need to be as much as Saban is currently making at Alabama, but enough to not result in a 50% paycut. So, we’re obviously talking more than the $1.9 million former coach Rich Rodriguez was making.

Again, this is all very preliminary, but solid sources have confirmed that Nick Saban’s agent has contacted West Virginia University.

*** UPDATE #1 *** This report has been confirmed by the staff at WVSports.com. Unfortunately, it is posted on their premium board so that confirmation can not be reprinted here. Still, it has been confirmed.

*** UPDATE #2 *** Well, it’s not a stone-cold confirmation, but our friend Mike Casazza can’t verify that the story isn’t true. Pardon the double negative, but it looks like this baby certainly has legs.

Stay tuned.


wow i really dont know what to say.
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