| FTBL Corndog Syndrome


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In 1999, my brother and I attended the LSU-Bama game in Tuscaloosa. It was my first Bama vs Tigers game. I had bought the tickets online from a Tiger fan in Baton Rouge, thus my brother and I found ourselves sitting in what seemed to be the middle of the LSU section. Gerry Dinardo, the Tiger coach at the time, was on the hot seat (he would be fired before the end of the season). Much of our conversation with the LSU faithful prior to and during the game revolved around Gerry, and how pathetic a coach he had turned out to be. Those I talked to were very friendly and very down to earth.

The first half was totally dominated by the Tide, but the 2nd half saw the Tigers fight their way back into it. Down by 6 with just a few seconds left on the clock, QB Booty rolled out for a pass, but ended up tucking it and diving for the endzone. He came up short, then struggled to get the offense back to the line of scrimmage for one more play. It didn’t happen, and the game ended as many LSU games ended those days - with a loss. My brother and I sat as the folks in purple and gold filed down the steps to the exit, obviously frustrated but civil nonetheless. We said our good-byes and wished them luck for the remainder of the season. We even received a tailgate invite should we plan to visit Baton Rouge the following season.

Those were the good ‘ole days. Waaaaayyyy back then LSU fans had a little dignity. Sure, they’ve always been known to get a little crazy at home, but back then there was no pompousness, no anger. And how could there be? They were use to getting their teeth kicked in every now and then, and even expected it (especially when the Tide came to town).

BUT, that all changed with the arrival of Mr.Saban. He brought to Baton Rouge what noone had seen since 1958. Now the folks in purple seem to have lost their memory. They have convinced themselves that they are (and have always been) superior, that the run they are enjoying is due only to the fact that they are from the great state of Louisiana. That their success has absolutely nothing to do with Saban - It’s just plain, pure destiny!

There is a medical term for this problem. It is called “CORNDOG SYNDROME” (CDS).

If you look up the term “CDS” in any up-to-date medical dictionary, you will find the following:

Corndog Syndrome - a predictable, unruly pattern of behavior that occurs when a coon@ss 1) wins the lottery or 2) his/ her favorite sports team achieves a modest level of success relative to the programs overall history. Symptoms include extreme arrogance, loss of memory, and may be accompanied by the loss of the sense of smell (typically, but not limited to, the smell of corndogs).

Many fans of the LSU Tigers will be visiting us on our beloved RollTideBama.com from now until game day, and many will display the symptoms of CDS. Their behavior will be predictable: They will be pompous, they will be rude, and they will have short memories. Specifically, they will remind us of their recent successes, they will mock the Bear, and they will pretend that they could care less about Saban, that he has little or nothing to do with the current state of their program.

But we, being of sound mind and body, will not let them forget. We won’t let them forget the fact that Bear owned them, and that he laid the foundation for the longest opponent winning streak at Tiger Stadium (from 1969-2000). We won’t let them forget that Saban, in only 5 years, became (and is currently) the third Winningest Coach in LSU history and holds the 2nd best winning percentage of all LSU coaches. The reason their program is even on the radar is because of the man now standing on our sideline. And it is only a matter of time before history repeats itself, and they (once again) will find themselves drowning their sorrows with moonshine and family size cartons of corndogs .
HiTide said:
In 1999, my brother and I attended the LSU-Bama game in Tuscaloosa. It was my first Bama vs Tigers game. I had bought the tickets online from a Tiger fan in Baton Rouge, thus my brother and I found ourselves sitting in what seemed to be the middle of the LSU section. Gerry Dinardo, the Tiger coach at the time, was on the hot seat (he would be fired before the end of the season). Much of our conversation with the LSU faithful prior to and during the game revolved around Gerry, and how pathetic a coach he had turned out to be. Those I talked to were very friendly and very down to earth.

The first half was totally dominated by the Tide, but the 2nd half saw the Tigers fight their way back into it. Down by 6 with just a few seconds left on the clock, QB Booty rolled out for a pass, but ended up tucking it and diving for the endzone. He came up short, then struggled to get the offense back to the line of scrimmage for one more play. It didn’t happen, and the game ended as many LSU games ended those days - with a loss. My brother and I sat as the folks in purple and gold filed down the steps to the exit, obviously frustrated but civil nonetheless. We said our good-byes and wished them luck for the remainder of the season. We even received a tailgate invite should we plan to visit Baton Rouge the following season.

Those were the good ‘ole days. Waaaaayyyy back then LSU fans had a little dignity. Sure, they’ve always been known to get a little crazy at home, but back then there was no pompousness, no anger. And how could there be? They were use to getting their teeth kicked in every now and then, and even expected it (especially when the Tide came to town).

BUT, that all changed with the arrival of Mr.Saban. He brought to Baton Rouge what noone had seen since 1958. Now the folks in purple seem to have lost their memory. They have convinced themselves that they are (and have always been) superior, that the run they are enjoying is due only to the fact that they are from the great state of Louisiana. That their success has absolutely nothing to do with Saban - It’s just plain, pure destiny!

There is a medical term for this problem. It is called “CORNDOG SYNDROME” (CDS).

If you look up the term “CDS” in any up-to-date medical dictionary, you will find the following:

Corndog Syndrome - a predictable, unruly pattern of behavior that occurs when a coon@ss 1) wins the lottery or 2) his/ her favorite sports team achieves a modest level of success relative to the programs overall history. Symptoms include extreme arrogance, loss of memory, and may be accompanied by the loss of the sense of smell (typically, but not limited to, the smell of corndogs).

Many fans of the LSU Tigers will be visiting us on our beloved RollTideBama.com from now until game day, and many will display the symptoms of CDS. Their behavior will be predictable: They will be pompous, they will be rude, and they will have short memories. Specifically, they will remind us of their recent successes, they will mock the Bear, and they will pretend that they could care less about Saban, that he has little or nothing to do with the current state of their program.

But we, being of sound mind and body, will not let them forget. We won’t let them forget the fact that Bear owned them, and that he laid the foundation for the longest opponent winning streak at Tiger Stadium (from 1969-2000). We won’t let them forget that Saban, in only 5 years, became (and is currently) the third Winningest Coach in LSU history and holds the 2nd best winning percentage of all LSU coaches. The reason their program is even on the radar is because of the man now standing on our sideline. And it is only a matter of time before history repeats itself, and they (once again) will find themselves drowning their sorrows with moonshine and family size cartons of corndogs .

I was at that game too. The goal line stand was amazing, that place was loud too.
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