Cool bridge I took a photo of last weekend.


It goes over the red river, so probably 1000-1400'

You can see the cart path on the right hand side, it wasn't accessible, had alot of rotten wood on it.

It was a single lane bridge as well.
There used to be a bridge like that across the Coosa River about a mile below Stemley Bridge on Logan Martin. Story is very similar, originally a RR bridge in the late 1800's, then a one lane auto bridge once it was condemned for RR use. Tore it down in the early 60's when the Coosa was impounded to form Logan Martin.


Beautiful picture. I'm a sucker for those sort of old bridges. There's something just timeless and classic about 'em.

There's a creepy one that looks similar out in the woods near DC .. Locals call it a "cry baby bridge", there's a lot of urban legends about it.
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