| FTBL Coming to Atlanta to watch BAMA WIN!!!


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My daughter and I are coming to Atlanta for the Clemson game. We are leaving Saturday Morning from Montgomery via I 85. We are staying at the hampton Inn Atlanta Airport North on Bobby Brown Parkway. Can anyone give some advise on the best way to get there. I am concerned with all I've read on the construction that will be going on. Any help would be appreciated. RTR
srbbamaman said:
My daughter and I are coming to Atlanta for the Clemson game. We are leaving Saturday Morning from Montgomery via I 85. We are staying at the hampton Inn Atlanta Airport North on Bobby Brown Parkway. Can anyone give some advise on the best way to get there. I am concerned with all I've read on the construction that will be going on. Any help would be appreciated. RTR

You shouldn't be affected by the downtown construction. You'll reach your exit long before 75-85 merge.

You really only have one choice....85N to Virginia Ave. exit. If you're coming in on Friday afternoon or Saturday before the game give yourself plenty of time and patience. 85N usually isn't affected at all by Friday rush hour traffic before the airport.

Ooops, I see you said Saturday morning in your above post. I would leave no later than 8 a.m. central, but that's just me. That way you'll have plenty of time no matter the traffic.
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