| FTBL Coaching Changes

rightthief said:
Guys my barner buddy emailed me and said that ctt should be fired soon. He also said muschump is wanting the barn job and look for ctt to clemson.I don't like this one bit. Not that I fear muschump but I want ears to take his lumps for at least 10 years or more.

Tubs isn't on their short list.

The lastest name being circulated by those covering their Athletic Dept is Terry Don Phillips wanting to talk with Brady Hoke.

Others of significant interest include:

and of course Swinney is having his interviews as well.

Ask your Auburn buddy how Jay Jacobs and Muschamp get along...then get back to this thread. I'd love to hear his answer.
rightthief said:
TerryP should hear from my barn buddy soon. He is down and out lately. :lol: He knows what coming in 2 weeks. :twisted:

Invite him over here. I can't speak for the group, but I won't kick him around unless he starts with the Muschamp talk.

I take it he had no answer for how WM and JJ get along?
I'm not his buddy (I don't think) but I'll chime in. I have heard a lot of rumors about CTT going to Clemson and Muschamp coming here but nothing that seems solid.

The PWTB continue to publicly support Tubs but we'll just have to see what happens.

I think the Muschamp-Jacobs thing is blown out of proportion. Not that I want Muschamp. He is an unproven commodity. Some of the fans here keep bringing up his name but I think he needs some time as a head coach at a lower level before you throw him in the SEC.
Porter said:
Has there been any talk out there of Tommy Bowden going to the Washington Huskies? I say he is the darkhorse surprise. I've seen mention of Pat Hill's name with this job. I think he could do well there, I think a lot of him as a coach. I wonder if he is about ready to move on from Fresno???

My crystal ball says Tennessee gets Lane Kiffin or Chris Petersen and Clemson gets Will Muschamp (or keeps Dabo if Clemson finishes out strong... beating USCe).

The word is that Tommy will take some time off.
Re: The Great Pumpkin to Clemson?

tidenumber1 said:

That is bs. I have a few buddies connected in the athletic department at Clemson and there is no interest in Fulmer. There would be interest in Tubs if he and Auburn divorce. Tubs is on the short list and that is from someone close to Terry Don. Muschamp, Patterson, Kiffin, Venables are all on the list but don't know where they rank. I know that Tubs and Muschamp are at the top of the list. I have not heard anything about Brady Hoke.
38AUTiger said:
I'm not his buddy (I don't think) but I'll chime in. I have heard a lot of rumors about CTT going to Clemson and Muschamp coming here but nothing that seems solid.

The PWTB continue to publicly support Tubs but we'll just have to see what happens.

I think the Muschamp-Jacobs thing is blown out of proportion. Not that I want Muschamp. He is an unproven commodity. Some of the fans here keep bringing up his name but I think he needs some time as a head coach at a lower level before you throw him in the SEC.

I don't know you well enough to understand your definition of "blown out of proportion.

The guy who covers Clemson as well, if not better, than anyone in the state of South Carolina works one floor above me. I talk to him often about football...and as clueless as I think he can be about things outside of the state of South Carolina I do believe he has a good feel for the pulse of what is happening at Clemson.

He laughs when people mention Tubs to Clemson. That said, I've never asked him about it b/c it doesn't pass my logic test.

Now, as to Jacobs and Muschamp...

The ticket story was blown out of proportion in my eyes. Jacobs messing around the Muschamp's contract ticked (and I'm being very G rated with that adjective) Will off. That's not speculation, that's coming from people who work with Will directly on these situations.
psychojoe said:
Dabo might fit right in where Mike Davus was.

Assuming a new staff comes in at Clemson, and Dabo is given a job surrounding that program (the AD and Pres have virtually assured him of such) I can't see Dabo leaving for a position like that here.

I just don't see room for him right now on the staff offensively, and doubt he'd move if the same job is here as there.

His family has set roots in Clemson. I can't blame him for waiting 'til the kids grow up, or a head coaching position comes up for him to leave.

FWIW, Coach Stallings was at Clemson yesterday...
TerryP said:
psychojoe said:
Dabo might fit right in where Mike Davus was.

Assuming a new staff comes in at Clemson, and Dabo is given a job surrounding that program (the AD and Pres have virtually assured him of such) I can't see Dabo leaving for a position like that here.

I just don't see room for him right now on the staff offensively, and doubt he'd move if the same job is here as there.

His family has set roots in Clemson. I can't blame him for waiting 'til the kids grow up, or a head coaching position comes up for him to leave.

FWIW, Coach Stallings was at Clemson yesterday...

I know he has roots right here in my hometown of Pelham, but I can sure understand keeping the family stable until that big opportunity come up.
There isn't much talk about this that I've seen (and I'm talking nationally here), but it appears that Kiffin is indeed going to be the next Tennessee coach.
It appears Kiffin may be named Tennessee's coach early next week.

I am yet to understand what makes Kiffen a good candidate for any of these jobs. All I get from his resume is that:

1) He wasn't as good of an OC at USC as Norm Chow.
2) He then went on to be a terrbile head coach for the Raiders.

In my opinion, this hire is a bit of a gamble. I'm sure he learned how to recruit from Carroll, but does he have all the skills to be a successful Head Coach? [/url]
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