| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC "Boycott 'Star Wars VII'" Movement Launched; Movie Called "Anti-White"

Over reaction to the SJW BS that is so pervasive on the internet. It isn't like there weren't minorities in the original set of movies. Ladies man Lando? Nor is it like the original series and prequels weren't pretty racist. The Empire was overwhelmingly white and male. Jar Jar was a racist caricature as was Watto. None of that means crap. But JJ said something about hiring minorities on purpose and folks are all up in arms. And they haven't even seen it yet. SMH
by saying they want people to boycott the movie because it's lead characters aren't white males, they're being racist.

and people like that should definitely keep drinking bleach. it'll help to weed out the stupid, moronic, idiotic people. and i hesitate to call them people because they're closer to being non-humans than actual humans.
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