🏈 Bear Bryant's "Hour of Power"

Bamadrill said:
There will never be another one like Coach. :(

No there wont...but maybe we have something that will be the next and new great Coach.

This article brought a tear to my eye. It makes me proud to be a Christian and proud to be from Alabama.

"On earth as it is in Alabama"
Great article. I get so tired of my aubie family members talking about Coach Bryant's sins and how he is probably burning in hell as we speak. Thanks for this article.

When I was in Orange County last summer I went to Dr. Shuler's Crystal Cathedral. It was a very moving experience. We sat in the 2nd row, and when the partition opened and the water started flowing and the sun came in....whoa, talk about emotional. The music, the scenery and the message were really amazing.

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