| FTBL BCS poll = Joke

MECU said:
AlaphaMale said:
MECU said:
To complain at the end that the system is bad isn't any good.

You're not suggesting people only complain at the end? . The complaints never stop. They start with the pre-season polls and progress to the BCS title. Anytime someone references the National Championship on a message board it's MNC, not NC. I don't know how you could express more clearly and repeatedly that the system is bad.

This article clarifies my view on this matter much better than I could ever articulate: http://deadspin.com/sports/dan-shan...ah-yeah-we-get-it-you-hate-the-bcs-329110.php

Wow, this changes EVERYTHING.... :roll:

Only thing wrong with the article is this....

Not everyone started complaining when the bowls came out this year. Many have been complain after the very first BCS season. This is not just about this year alone. The article is just mainly an opinion and like aholes....well you should know the rest.
I'm kind of torn with the whole one game matters statement. I think there are a lot more than one game that "matters". However, I look at the most exciting game from last year and one with the best storyline, and I believe it received one of the lowest ratings of the BCS games. Boise State vs. Oklahoma for people who are hermits. Fans of FOOTBALL will watch the bowl games. I watch every big bowl game and as many small games as I can. I'm a football fan, not a casual fan, but I do realize that there are far too many casual fans. :oops:

Also, don't really like the argument of "the two hottest teams should be playing for the National Championship".

Georgia should not be playing for a NC, no matter how "hot" they are.

FWIW, I also believe they are playing the best out of any team in the nation.

And people who argue for Hawaii needs to stop. When you're too scared to TRAVEL to play a "bigger, better" team and only want a home home series, you reap what you sow.
Outlaw said:
I'm kind of torn with the whole one game matters statement. I think there are a lot more than one game that "matters". However, I look at the most exciting game from last year and one with the best storyline, and I believe it received one of the lowest ratings of the BCS games. Boise State vs. Oklahoma for people who are hermits. Fans of FOOTBALL will watch the bowl games. I watch every big bowl game and as many small games as I can. I'm a football fan, not a casual fan, but I do realize that there are far too many casual fans. :oops:

What I mean by nothing but one game matters is that only one game determines who wins the MNC. In the old bowl system, several games could and did have a bearing on who won he MNC in most cases. I still watch most of the major bowl games, but back then they were just more interesting because more was riding on the than just adding another W to the win column.
jaycoach said:
What good is the BCS poll if some of the top teams get passed over in BCS bowls. (Arizona St left out).
I guess people forgot that LSU, who is so great according to espn, is the same team who lost at home just 1 week ago to Arkansas. I dont care what people say, If you lose the last week of the season, SEC championship or not, you dont deserve the opportunity at a NC. Especially when you lose it at home. :evil:

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